“Sorry for being late, lad. They haven’t left without me, have they? Heh.” Gunnos Gimga said jestingly to the Furzai security officer while he showed his identification. With his stature, braided beard and Mohawk, it was quite clear that he is who she said he is, and thus the security officers let him through swiftly. They seemed mildly suspicious of him, which is natural considering few of them would’ve met a Korrvain on friendly terms before. Gunnos saw them eyeing the imposing hammercannon on his back suspiciously, but simply acted like he didn’t notice their suspicion, and after completing the mandatory checks he was in. The Exeralune was unmistakable on first sight, given that the bulk of the crewmembers were already there. And what a crew, too! Many of them were human, but among the group he spotted some kind of stone man, a bunch of giant bugs, a birdman, some armoured figure talking to himself, and more. A fair amount of buxom ladies too, he couldn’t help but observe. This would be a jolly good time, he could already tell. He wasn’t even the shortest person there, so wouldn’t have to deal with being called shorty… probably. “Good day, lads and lasses,” he announced to no one in particular as he joined the group. “Excuse me tardiness. Drinking makes sleepy, and sleeping makes late, hehe.” He turned his attention to Shor’gen first, for obvious reasons. “Hey big fellow, ain’t seen your kind before. Lead physician, eh? That’ll be a show. Nice to meet ya, bud.” He randomly prodded Shor’gen’s carapace a few times to feel the consistency before turning his attention to the next nearest person, which happened to be Daniel. “Oh, sorry, did I break up a conversation? Just tryin’ to make friends like everyone. Me name’s Gunnos, security personnel. May I know both of yer names?” His mouth was nearly invisible beneath his beard, but an observant person might notice his smile by the slight lifting of his bushy moustache. Gunnos enjoyed this new company already, and he hadn’t even met most of them yet.