The Empire of Lancia Flag A grey flag with a phoenix in the middle. Form of Government Feudal Monarchy Describe the System The Empire of Lancia is led by the Kaiser, a position that is hereditary. However the Empire is subdivided into realms, each lead by a leader that resembles the original political system used by the nation that was conquered, as apart of the Empire’s efforts to incorporate conquered peoples rather than oppress them.. The Kaiser in this situation acts like a High King, each of the leaders of the individual realms swearing fealty to him and loyalty to Lancia and the Empire. There is currently 5 Realms, as they follow as such. Lancia:The original province of the Empire and where it got its name, the Kaiser presides over this realm. It is the largest by land-mass, and holds the most population. The capital is Primus, and by extension the capital of the entire Empire. Molanska:The first realm to fall to the Lancian armies, its is the 2nd realm of the Empire. This realm is lead by a King, chosen by hereditary means, or if there is no clear heir a new noble family is chosen to ascend to the throne. 2nd largest by land-mass, but it stands at second in population. Due to the nature of the peoples here this realm tends to have the most rebellions and riots. Venitio: The smallest realm, as it only incorporates the city of Venito and some of the surrounding land and villages, it has the wealthiest nobles as well as the smallest population. This in part due to Venito being a massive trade hub, bringing in most of the Empire’s trade. This section of the Empire tends to have the least revolts, as they care more about making wealth and do not really have the man-power to accomplish any successful uprising. This realm is lead by a freely-elected Doge. However while everyones votes for Doge are equal only nobles of sufficient wealth may make a grab for the position. Bitola: The 4rd realm of the Empire. It is lead by a Parliament of Nobles chosen by the Realm’s King, however the King cannot pass laws, only the Parliament of Nobles may. Iberia: The 5th and final realm of the Empire, and one of the two realms to be lead by a democratically elected government. Iberia’s importance lies in its vast mineral mines, which are used to fuel the growing industry and metal-working of the Empire. The democracy of this realm consists of a legislative branch and a Executive Branch. The legislative branch overseas both law-making and setting up courts, while the executive branch contains a President who acts as a overall leader. Location on Map Desired The entire eastern peninsula excluding the Iria Queendom and then some. Capital Primus, at the center of the Empire. It coordinates a lot of land-based trade and communication channels with the rest of the Empire. Important Settlements Venito: On the eastern coast and capital of the Venitio realm. It is very important as it controls more than 90% of all sea-based trade of the Empire. Vastly wealthy. Warsawia:Capital of Molanska. Large population center and it is on the Western coast and controls the rest of the sea-trade that Venito does not. Nadrid: Capital of Iberia and located near the Iberia-Bitola border. Acts as a shipping center to sending Iberia’s mineral resources to the rest of the Empire as well a a medium population center. Description Due to the Empire of Lancia’s diverse landscape as well as the many peoples that have fallen to their vast armies and well trained soldiers. As such the cultures of Lancia are diverse and varied, and have inter-mixed a bit despite the instance of the Lancian Government to incorporate and not force assimilation. Culture of Lancia: The Lancians have a warrior culture, producing strong proud men ready to go and fight for glory. Honor is gained through combat, and Lancians rarely used the term soldier for a soldier, they prefer to refer to them as warriors, even if they are the soldiers of another nation. A further reference to their warrior culture is a famous line from a unknown Lancian General, quoted as saying “A Lancian isn’t truly Lancian still he has felt the thrill and rush of glorious battle, and gained honor in defeating his enemies.” The Lancians prefer darker colors and themes, reflecting on to their paintings, works of literature, music, architecture, and poems. Cities are often shades of grey and black, stories and poems being more gritty and dark. Women are also not discriminated against, and in most ways considered equal to men. Women are even capable of serving in the military, although not as front-line soldiers. While other cultures in the Empire of Lancia still have traditional gender roles, this part of Lancian culture as translated into policy, forbidding discrimination against women. Culture of Molanska:The culture of Molanska is one of great variance. Molanskan actually is a over-arching term for a group of various peoples coming from the area. The area is subdivided into so many different ethnic groups that is hard to establish a common culture. This is part of the reason that Molanska is such a rebellious realm. Culture of Venitio:The culture of the realm is built of of one thing. Wealth. The culture is focused on building and hoarding massive piles of dosh and gold. The buildings of Venito are made of fine marble and lined with thin strips of silver and gold. Venitio also does not have gender roles, believing women to be just as capable of building empires of dosh. Bitola:Bitolan culture focused on the arts and enjoying the simple pleasures of life. Art and works of literature have no common theme in Bitolan culture, as they often explore a lot of different themes. Architecture is much the same, however it can be described as lay-backed and relaxing. Iberia:Iberians believe in personal freedom, its a huge part of their culture. While they have lost some of the original freedoms, they have maintained freedom of religion under the Empire. This is thought to be the main reason they have not had a rebellion against the empire in so long. Important Characters: Kaiser Gabriel Wilhelm the Third Doge Enrico Dandolo King Serces Traits: Empire: Your lands are made up of conquered peoples and are vast. -4 Scared of water: Your nation has never been one for their sea legs. Many naval loses and ship disasters have left your people unsupporting of any venture in which they need to leave the sight of land. +3 Rotting Hulls: Your nation views ship maintenance as an unneeded cost and so many of your ships have weak wood and the sails are torn and with holes in them. They will not perform well at sea. +2 Large Army: Your nation maintains an army of many men that can dwarf many of the smaller nations. -2 Professional Army: Your nation’s army is well trained and equipped with good weapons, performing better in battle. -3 Base points 4 Army: 30,000 Veterans 50,000 Regulars 50,000 Recruits Navy: 3 Barques 1 Brig 7 Galleys GDP: 30,000,000,000 ($) Stability: Slightly Stable