As Leo stroked his Alicorn's mane, he heard the sound of a woman's voice calling out to him. "Hail there, friend. Do you know how much farther it is to the nearest village?" He looked around, and saw a dark haired woman wearing tactician's robes nearby. She kept her hand close to the hilt of her sword, like she was about to draw it if he tried to attack if he made any sudden movements. Leo couldn't really blame her for being cautious. It wasn't like men riding Pegasi were common, let alone for them to be Falcon Knights. Regardless, the male Falcon Knight simply giggled, and waved back. "Oh, hello there! The nearest village? It's not far from here actually!" He replied while pointing in the general direction. "I was just about to head over there now. The two of us need to get some food. Um... Would you like me to give you a ride there? I'm sure my steed could handle a second rider, and it wouldn't feel right if I didn't at least offer."