[quote=Isaac]"Technician Isaac Adapt, seems to be a fine ship, wonder how its computer systems work ma'am" [/quote] He seemed... Nervous maybe? Not physically intimidated-- she was barely half his size! It could have been a sexual attraction? That would certainly make getting in his pants easier... [i]Couldn't even go an hour with them before you try and get some, could you?[/i] As she brushed the thought away, she could the 'ma'am' part of Isaac's response. This guy was no stranger to military manners. [quote=Isaac]"Who is your friend Ma'am?" [/quote] "Who, you mean Gogo?" Kukcoo responded, looking back at her 'friend' falling asleep on the top of one of the crates, in a manner similar to that of an Earthling feline. "She's not really what I'd call a 'friend'" She said, air quoting the word for emphasis, "She's more like... An acquaintance by blood," She paused to lean against the wall next to the... man? He looked enough Earthling enough, but she had been to enough Igrissi brothels to know that looks do NOT mean everything. "Anyway Isaac," she began, not asking if he minded being called by his first name, " 'Ma'am' is what you call my mother and other old women you don't know very well," removing a zero-G cigarette from her bag, she removed the auto-ignition strip and took a puff before continuing, "My first name is fine, I imagine we'll all get pretty close in the coming months, better to do away with pointless formalities sooner than later." Gogo let out a loud snore before Kukcoo continued, "Technician..." She said, half to herself between puffs of the cigarette, "Tell me Isaac; does being a technician make you happy?"