Sorry for not being here earlier help clarify things. With this type of RP it is easy to write too much for a call, speed things up and bark out orders but we need to AVOID doing this if we want everyone to enjoy this rp to it's fullest. It is ok if things aren't quite the same as real life and I stated this in the beginning of the OOC. I was the first to do this unintentionally in my post so please follow my lead and show each other respect by following these simple rules: 1. Do not force orders and/or multiple orders on to people. A call may take awhile to play out so we can allow everyone to react and make choices. Vicier has a good point, especially for her character, so we need to be cognitive in our posts of how we are interacting with other players. It will take patience but the end result will be a nice dramatic rp played out! 2. Do not speed up incidents/calls. Work on rp detail, character development and story progression to allow a nice para post that moves the story without speeding up a call in chunks so fast that not everyone can participate at the same level. Allow others to add flare to the call (victims, extra accident on the first call or other drama) and make choices for their characters. To sum: no forcing orders, or multiple orders, and slow down your participation of the call and details of the call. This allows everyone to create the drama and details together. Thanks guys! Any questions PM me.