[quote=Lord Santa] So, with all the sweepers gone, there are technically supposed to be a ton of PKers like, everywhere, right? It must be one hell of a bad time for noobs right now. [/quote] Oh yeah. The only other thing; most of those PKers work for the Ebony Strykers now. Fight for the strongest side and all that. Things like Arms Slaves Mayhem riders is actually a good thing for Outlaws and Sweepers, cause it's sort of like a group-bonding exercise. Arms Slave is pretty much trying to pull a [url=http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GenghisGambit]Genghis Gambit[/url], which Dark Wraith is quite aware of, and hence why she wants to make sure the Ivory Masks are still stable-ish. [quote=McFazzer] Quickly, while on the subject of Bullet Hell. Is she going to be a whole new character? Or just a fleshed out NPC? [/quote] Likely just a sort of NPC; she's technically a "Player" character, but her real life player probably won't need to be known. Like, even though she's suppose to be the new "White King", she's not going to answer the calls of alliance with the other guild leaders, and barring the chance that an Eraser calls her up to do a hit, she won't have much real-life impact either. Her only importance is in Deep Ground, so she'll only get a CS that deals with Deep Ground. If she somehow becomes more popular, I might flesh her out some more.