A reply to your post in the intcheck: [quote=He Who Walks Behind] Synthorian, this is a cool idea for a character but it needs some tweaking. Given how many scars she has, I feel like being "quite a looker" may be unattainable at a certain point. I'd commit fully one way or another. While Belroth's willing to take people of criminal background, he may not feel the risk of harboring a well-known hitwoman to be worth her asset-especially if people were currently looking after her. Running a PMC/attempting to establish his own nation-state, Belroth wouldn't want to risk entangling with the mob or national law enforcement agencies. If she dropped off the grid entirely/faked her death and constructed a new identity, then he may be willing to consider it. Or perhaps if she did some job for the government in exchange for amnesty. He might make use of her services through proxy but probably not directly. And to be in the Dreadnaughts, she'd need formal training (they conduct their own, and you're usually not considered for a frontline position/in the field position if you haven't already had a considerable amount), meaning she couldn't really do the gun kata thing. It's too reckless and risky. Her weapons are okay, although I'll warn you even with a suppressor the Vector's going to make noise unless you use subsonic ammunition, which is significantly less powerful and slower. Usable, but only from very close, and with little stopping power/penetration .You'll have to decide if that tradeoff is worth it. The bowie's also a little big for a infiltrator-something smaller might be a little better suited. It's close to a foot long, which might make drawing and using it quickly tough. Overall it's an interesting concept but a few things will need to get ironed out before she could fit in the Dreadnaughts. Anywho, I'll be making the OOC shortly, so we can move our enlightened, scholarly discussions from here to there. I'll also make a character vault, where sheets can be submitted. [/quote] Well I did say I wasn't liking her bio. I wrote it all at 4 am in a rush. xD Anyway. Now that I just got home from work with a fresh head, I'll look over this now. 1. Hey, She's a looker if you're into scars. :P Just kidding. Looking back at it now I realize that it actually contradicts the fact that she isn't as decent looking as she used to be. I wonder why I even added the "looker" part. 2. Her falling off the grid makes more sense than faking her death. Her intelligence is average at best and won't be able to come up with anything clever enough to fool everyone that she died. It's better to disappear. So that's what I will add. 3. Formal training is fine by me. Remember, she fought thugs her whole life, not Spec Ops soldiers. Some decent training will do her good before she even tries to go out into the field. 4. The "kata" thing is actually a real thing called MCMAP, used by US Marines. But it's only used against one opponent at a time, which is my intention with this character. I just used the John Wick videos because they looked cooler than bulky dudes practicing in boot camp, it was also a very close example, but "hollywoody". 5. Subsonic ammunition blows in a lot of ways, hence why I never mentioned it. The drawbacks outweight the pros. The dull "Pffts" of a silencer are a better con than ammo that can't even penetrate kevlar. 6. As far as the bowie goes, I agree. I took that into account that it would be quite awkward to use. So I decided to add it as a personal memento for her. She claimed that weapon. not purchased it. So she keeps and uses it for personal reasons rather than practical ones. Plus it's menacing as hell. However it would make sense for her to use something smaller, like a regular KA-BAR when she needs to be quick. But that Bowie could definitely be useful. EDIT: Edited the things I said I would. Though I feel I could change a few more things. Also, what do you think of the debuff?