Nation's Name: The Grand Duchy of Argentaurumia (ar-jent-ow-room-ee-ah) Flag:[img=] Form of Government: Parliamentary Monarchy, Thalassocracy Describe the System: Argentaurumia is governed firstly by a monarch, the Grand Duke or Duchess. The title is passed to the eldest child of their line after death or retirement. The Argentaurumian Parliament is the second most powerful governing body in the nation, limiting the monarch's power insofar as consent from both parties is needed to pass new legislation. This makes the nation a parliamentary democracy, but differs from IRL countries such as the UK as the Duke/Duchess wields far more political power. 'Thalassocracy' means a nation held together by the strength of its navy and relies heavily on international trade for its power. Location on Map Desired: A long, narrow nation along the western coast. Preferably small, as I would like to place Argentaurumia's priorities on maritime trade and commerce as opposed to maintaining a large empire (until, of course, the New World is discovered :D) Capital: Sapientia. A white walled city on the coast at the northernmost point of the little inlet on the west coast. Major maritime trading hub. Important Settlements: Foedus - On the coast, south of Sapientia. The Great Archives are located here, along with the famed Argentaurumian Library, wherein is stored a huge collection of ancient knowledge and texts. Cantus - Just north of Sapientia, within a few hours by horse. In the mountains. The religious centre of Argentaurumia, it has the Argentum Temple at its centre. Mercatura - After Sapientia, the largest trading centre in Argentaurumia. South of Foedus. Description: The culture of Argentaurumia is based almost solely on the sea. It is possible to observe the ocean from almost any point within the nation, and its beauty and power have ingrained themselves in virtually every citizen. The religion of most Argentaurumians is a monotheistic faith, but with the Deity, as their god is known, primarily being viewed as god of the sea. Sacrifices and rituals are similar to the IRL religion of Judaism, one major difference being that any person from any background can be saved. In the cities of the nation, maritime culture is clearly prominent in many places. The colour blue is highly prised, and gemstones such as sapphire and aquamarine are popular decorations. Marble is a preferred building material, and many buildings resemble landlocked, white-stone ships, or have boat-like features. In the mercantile districts of Argentaurumian cities, large crowds of buyers and merchants swarm around well-designed but overcrowded market squares and shop alleys. The language of Argentaurumia will be Latin, with some Greek words thrown in. The language is known as Argentaurumian. The currency is the silver drachma, easily exchangeable in the many exchangers doted throughout the nation, but unstable depending on the fluctuating economy. (Describe an average city in your nation. Culture, language, currency etc.) Important Characters: Grand Duke Dominas II Duchess Puella, wife of the Duke Prince Filius, heir to the throne Thane Legatus, chief official of Parliament. Traits: Small Army: Your nation maintains a relatively small number of troops, when fielded in battle against another nation your forces are almost always outnumbered. +2 Outdated Army: Your men carry weapons not even your grandfather remembers, muskets misfire more than usual and your training deals with tactics not used in many years. +2 Never been out of the village: Your men have almost all never been outside their own borders. Other countries lands and environments are almost alien, especially those on another continent. They will suffer from not being able to deal with weather and being unable to forage as well. +1 Ambitious Generals: Your generals all want a piece of glory. Sometimes even going to backstabbing each other and arriving to another’s aid ‘late’. +1 King of the Seas: Your nation has a glorious Maritime history and a navy that matches, many grand ships fill your docks and sailors are viewed as hero’s in the eye of the public. -3 Ships of Line: The largest ships to sail the sea’s are expensive and vast undertakings however your nation has viewed this as a needed expense. Your fleets have a number of these ships.-2 New Age Ship Construction: New ways of shaping the wood and newly discovered types of wood has led to advances in how ships perform. However these come at a cost, making ships more expensive than usual. +/-0 Trading Hub: Your country is a nation of traders and merchants, many coins pass through the fingers of your citizens every day, especially through your own after taxes. -3 Free market: Your economy is not controlled by the state, it can fluctuate completely freely. This means that it can rise incredibly quickly making you very rich, however you are vulnerable to recessions and collapses. -1 I wasn't sure how many points we start with, so this probably isn't correct. Please get back to me and I'll make any alterations needed. Army: 17,000 Regulars 5,000 Recruits 12,000 Arquebusiers Navy: 4 Ships of Line 4 Frigates 5 Barques 10 Brigs GDP: 40,000,000,000 ($) - Down to 20,000,000,000 ($) due to unrest Stability: Unstable