- Name: Press Dalton - Age: 13 - Grade: 8 - Course Attended: Fusion Summoning [hider=Appearance][img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/331/0/b/bishies_with_megane_by_buuchii-d6vuf9j.png][/hider] - Personality: Silent type, responds with short answers, or not at all. Cool, expressionless demeanor most of the time. [hider=Cyber Dragon Deck]Monsters: 22 Cyber Dragon x 3 Cyber Dragon Drei x 3 Cyber Dragon Core x 3 Proto-Cyber Dragon x 3 Cyber Phoenix x 1 Cyber Larva x 3 Cyber Valley x 2 Cyber Eltanin x 1 Cardcar D x 2 Honest x 1 Spells: 19 Cyber Repair Plant x 3 Forbidden Lance x 2 Machine Duplication x 2 Power Bond x 2 De-Fusion x 2 Battle Fusion x 1 Cybernetic Fusion Support x 1 Time Fusion x 1 Polymerization x 1 Mystical Space Typhoon x 2 One Day of Peace x 1 Limiter Removal x 1 Traps: 13 Reckless Greed x 3 Threatening Roar x 3 Trap Stun x 3 DNA Surgery x 2 Cyber Network x 2 Extra Deck: 10 Cyber End Dragon x 2 Cyber Twin Dragon x 2 Chimeratech Fortress Dragon x 3 Barbaroid, the Ultimate Battle Machine x 1 Cyber Dragon Nova x 2[/hider] -Other Details: Don't annoy him.