[quote=So Boerd] Care to be a little less vague? [/quote] You cling desperately to a single point that you perceive as legitimate in an effort to trump the person you're debating. Your [b]Communism Is Violent[/b] argument is an excellent example of what I'm talking about; you also use this argument as a way to nullify the negative past-doings of religion (Hindu Persecution by Muslims/Crusades/ect), which I suspect is a knee-jerk reaction initiated by your own strong affiliation with Mormonism and (to a lesser extent) Conservatism. If that [b]Nuke Russia; the United States Cannot Fall[/b] thread you made about a month ago is anything to go by, I'd say you're ragging on Communism because it conflicts with your chosen political tribe's pro-capitalist leanings. As for people in this thread flagging religion as a universal force of evil---I refute that, but I'm not going to ignore the elephant in the room either.