As far as MCMAP goes, she can be trained and excel at close quarters combat but anything resembling the John Wick style is a little much. We're going for something more grounded in realism here. While she can be more comfortable/skilled fighting at close ranges, she'd need to have some proficiency beyond that as well. This also depends on whether she's joining the Dreadnaughts as an infiltrator type or a infantry soldier that's more focused on close quarters fighting. For 5 and 6, all good, just wanted to be sure you were aware of the tradeoffs. I already have a perk that covers addiction, but it's fairly similar to what you proposed. Perhaps she's a telepath as well, eh? Looking forward to it, Beowulf. Neat idea. EDIT: Ah, you ninja'd me. Must have a higher DEX. I'll go read through it soonish and get back to you.