[quote=He Who Walks Behind] As far as MCMAP goes, she can be trained and excel at close quarters combat but anything resembling the John Wick style is a little much. We're going for something more grounded in realism here. While she can be more comfortable/skilled fighting at close ranges, she'd need to have some proficiency beyond that as well. This also depends on whether she's joining the Dreadnaughts as an infiltrator type or a infantry soldier that's more focused on close quarters fighting. For 5 and 6, all good, just wanted to be sure you were aware of the tradeoffs.I already have a perk that covers addiction, but it's fairly similar to what you proposed. Perhaps she's a telepath as well, eh?Looking forward to it, Beowulf. Neat idea. EDIT: Ah, you ninja'd me. Must have a higher DEX. I'll go read through it soonish and get back to you. [/quote] Like I said, the John Wick thing was an example. Because showing anything else would have been boring. I don't expect her to pull that kind of stuff off on experienced soldiers (Plus John Wick was fighting thugs in the movie, not well trained soldiers). Unless I blew a fate point on it. The debuff, I made it from tabletop playing experience, so if it turned out somewhat similar to what you had in mind, that's probably why. xD Now on proficiency I'm actually not sure what I want her to be. She's not much of an infiltrator actually. People hired her to "get" the job done, not do it quietly and with precision. Things always got bloody, with more of her blood spilt than anybody else's. So her being an infantry woman would make more sense, a dexterous one anyway. Any suggestions?