[quote=idlehands] Wow...just...I find it horrific and yet part of me wants to reinstall it and just camp out in the Goldshire in on Moonguard to watch the madness. You know there are people that RP female dwarves but since the game has no female character creation for the dwarf race there are a handful of burly bearded dudes in dresses and tiaras running around. [/quote] Hahaha, yeah, I know. I haven't played for well over a year, but I've been considering grabbing a trial account for that purpose myself. Also, dwarves running around with tiaras and dresses sound legit to me. I always figured as a kid that female dwarves also had beards and were indistinguishable from the males aside from the genitalia, which would lead to some awkward romantic situations. :hehe