Precious time is wasted as we rest alongside our own subconscious, dreaming away and only to wake and barely remember any of the world of our own creation. But what if it wasn't? Our hopes and fears are what makes dreams seem so intense, and yet they are surreal, to a point that if it didn't come from our own thoughts, we would all become unstable and lose our sanity. Humans are simple creatures, who take comfort in their own knowledge. That is why I am here... As the Sandman, I regulate your sleep, so that you may rest with ease. --- In the present year, five students who hardly interact all share a common ailment; They are affected by a lack of sleep for their own personal reasons. After the last class of a brutal week, each of them are ready to welcome the weekend. But not without facing the one and only hurdle stopping them from reaching Saturday: Sleeping. How they try to sleep does not matter. For eventually, they'll notice how eerily quiet it has gotten. A step out into the street shows cars parked in the middle of the street, with their drivers absent, and almost everything seems abandoned - The only light in this ghost town emits from the flickering orange street lamps. Now it's become an effort for these five to find what has become of their little town. In the desperate search to find someone, anyone, these students will have to defend themselves from unknown horrors, find each other and face the cause of their insomnia. --- And that's my interest check! For this Roleplay, I'll need at least five others to control the students (As I will be playing the Sandman). However, once these spots are full, the RP will be closed. [u]Rules[/u] 1. I want this to be a fun roleplay, so anyone who isn't following the rules will get two warnings before they are removed from the roleplay. 2. Please try to treat everyone with the same respect you would desire. Listen to each other's ideas so we can unfold the plot together. No one likes a control freak, but no one likes a layabout who doesn't contribute. 3. Romance between characters is accepted, but please do not make it all about the lovey dovey stuff, try to remember this is a group RP. Everything in moderation. Also, don't force the other person into the relationship with your character - Ask before doing so. 4. No God-Modding. I know this is obvious, but don't try to instant one hit everything. And on the subject, no killing each other. 5. Make your character interesting. I will not accept any character sheets that look half-assed. On that note, please make don't make any Mary Sues or Gary Stus. I will reject CS that I see are Mary Sues/Gary Stus as well as Half-Assed CS. 6. Write enough for someone to respond to. A well written paragraph or two with enough detail for us to respond to IC is better than nothing. Make an effort to write as much as you can manage. And try to include everyone. This links back to the romance post, but try to focus on everyone if everyone is the same spot. Do not always make it about yourself and one other person, just as a common courtesy so we're all involved. 7. If you are inactive, please let me and the other players know. We won't bite. Even I will be inactive at time due to Work Experience. 8. Have fun! [u]Students[/u] [b]The Day Dreamer: Simon Pagliaro controlled by [u]TalijaKey[/u] [i]Status: Alive[/i][/b] The Imaginative One, who when he/she finally does get to sleep, is able to remember what happens within his/her dream quite vividly. [hider=Simon Pagliaro CS] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Simon Pagliaro [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Reason for Insomnia:[/b] There are a few things that overlapped, his little sister not feeling well, having coughing fits and fewer. The stress from school as he tries to do the work in time of his lessons, and a anime he watches to cheer himself up, when he isnt by his sister side. [b]Personality:[/b] He is a happy person, smiling most of the times and being overly polite. At times even falling into a bad habit of saying sorry for things he isnt at fault. What always cheers him up even when he feels alone and down is his own imagination. Loving to create stories and adventures for a different more free life. He can be extremely geeky over some topics and when introduced to a new idea, for example a tv show that peeks his interest, he would spend hours and hours to watch every single episode. It wouldnt let him think straight until he is done with it. And do that in time he should be sleeping, as day is mostly planned out. Than with great enjoyment use the world introduced to him to create adventures on his own. He is somewhat forgetfully when it comes to daily task, mostly to his habit to actually not hear them in the first place. As his mind is deep in space or far away on the sea, time traveling or who knows what. But there are things he never forget, and that are his day dreams and thing he read/watch that fulled his imagination. He has a childish fascination with cats and pirates, even only the really close to him would notice the later one. They home doesnt have a pet as his mother is allergic to fur. When he dreams he is nearly always exploring or traveling. But even when he is having a nightmarish or gore fulled dream because of something he recently watched or imagined, it lacks the feeling of fear. When he wakes up he would write his dreams down, enjoying to remember them. [b]Bio:[/b] From early on he was always relayed on. His father one day disappointing, leaving his weak mother and sickish sister alone. Him being the man in house took it upon himself to help in the household and everywhere else. Learning to cook and do house work, looking after his family. His mind wandering into imaginary worlds while he was doing the work machine like. Still as he grow older his mother relayed even more on him to the point he felt he couldnt do everything that was asked off him. It felt like a burdened, coming from school directly home so he could tackle all things needed, at times skipping school to go to the doctor with his sister or dealing with administration and papers. He was the one who took care of the money and paying all the bills. Often making him feel like spending any money on anything beside the bills food and house is a sin. When it comes to school he was always around the middle or just down the mid line. His grades varying on subject. Mostly depending on if he had to do lots of task home or not. Simon enjoys school. Finding it a place where he can sleep, relaxs, day dream and organize for when he comes home. When it comes to friend he doesnt have many, because he just doesnt find the time to spend with them, never finding the time to go to parties he is invited or to enjoy the return home walk with others. As he always has to hurry somewhere the moment the bell rings the end of school time. Only a few people over the years stayed his friends. The one who understand his situation. He had a few part time jobs, but is always on look out for a better one.[/hider] [b]The Haunted Mind: Open[/b] The Dark One, whose disturbed mind has leaked into his/her subconscious, often causing quite violent dreams. [b]The Devoid of Dreams: Gavin Mckenzie controlled by [u]Zombehs[/u] [i]Status: Alive[/i][/b] The Intellect, after finally drifting to sleep, will not dream. However, they are aware, almost half awake as he/she has lucid dreams of nothing. [hider=Gavin Mckenzie CS] [center][img][/img][/center] [I][b]Appearance:[/b] Brown hair and eyes, Gavin is also fair skinned. His glasses are usually of the photochromatic variety, meaning they change coloration when exposed to UV rays. Of average height and weight, 5’10 and 155lbs., his build isn’t noteworthy. Not too fat nor thin, he is of average athleticism, mostly to keep up with friends. [b]Name:[/b] Gavin Mckenzie [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Reason for Insomnia:[/b] Subconscious reaction to mental stress by the body. He’s been dealing with it for quite a while now, but it’s been getting worse. [b]Personality:[/b] A studious but easy going fellow outside of school, Gavin’s motto would probably be something along the lines of, “Work hard and enjoy life.” One of the students who actually takes school seriously to get the grades, he’s often called a try-hard by some of his more slackish classmates. While at school he can be a bit of a prickly nerd, putting the time at school to good use rather than fooling around and wasting it; often getting annoyed with people who distract or bother him. Once he’s outside the institution though, he loosens up and relaxes a lot. While not overly energetic or enthusiastic, Gavin is a lot more human in comparison to his almost machine-like demeanor at school. He’s happy enough to get swept along with his friends antics. While he’s never the one leading at the front, he generally won’t be too far behind, wearing a smile as he gives chase. Never overly charismatic, he draws people in because of his smarts and willingness to help out. Bio: If you asked Gavin what his life story was he’d probably tell you, “Nothing special really.” And he wouldn’t even be trying to avoid the truth or anything, his life has simply been rather unremarkable in his eyes so far. Maybe in the future he’ll do some great things, but up until now there’s not much to speak of. Oh sure, he graduated his school with some of the highest grades and got into university on scholarship, but that isn’t really something “huge” in his eyes. If people could do what he did and commit, he’s fairly certain others could do just the same. He wasn’t always a high achiever either, his grades only really shot up after he entered middle school. Until then he always hovered around average, occasionally dipping above or below his classmates. For one reason or another, ninth grade was when he decided to buckle his ass down and work. He paid attention in class, seemingly absorbing information like a sponge, strained and filtered it out after school, and somehow still found time to hang out with all his friends. While he was never part of any clubs in school, he spent his time elsewhere in the community, most of the times volunteering at the local library.[/I][/hider] [b]The Paranoid Outcast: Atlas Hargrave controlled by [u]Renny.[/u] [i]Status: Leaving the RP - Atlas will be removed sometime during the RP. Feel free to use character just for now.[/i][/b] Socially awkward, this Insomniac's paranoid attitude to life has sinked into his/her subconscious, causing his/her terror to spawn horrifying creatures into his/her dreams. [Hider=Atlas Hargrave CS] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][i]”Gotta keep living, gotta keep living. The outside, no, the whole world! It conspires against me.”[/i][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Atlas Hargrave [b]Age:[/b] 17, seventeen. [b]Reason for Insomnia:[/b] Ever since a tragic accident brought him dangerously close to death, he has become intensely paranoid of the world's dangers. Even sleep is defiled by his overactive terrors. [b]Personality:[/b] Plagued by day terrors and night terrors alike, Atlas just barely keeps himself on the shallow end of sanity. It takes all of his concentration to seem somewhat normal around others, so it actually makes him quite the reclusive being. Due to the strain that it takes to keeps his bubble of safety secure around others, he finds himself straying from humanity and becoming a hermit of sorts. School, however keeps him human, capable of interacting if only in the most quiet of ways. Regardless of all of this though, due to his paranoia, he tends to have things planned several steps ahead in order to keep his terrors from coming true. Which shows a sort of intellect and caution. Even if others would go against him, Atlas is independent enough and more-so frightened enough, that he would do things his own way regardless. [b]Bio:[/b] (Will reveal in IC)[/hider] [b]The Rebellious Heart: Kai Grant controlled by [u]Gareth[/u] [i]Status: Alive[/i][/b] The Wild One, The Rebel's fears of being in a caged prison all his/her life are brought to life at night within his/her mind. [Hider=Kai Grant CS] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Kai Grant [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Reason for Insomnia:[/b] From an early age he has had a nightmare of being locked in a room with his sisters and ever since his mind fights off sleep, as a little of corner of it tells him that if he falls asleep again it will be another nightmare of being locked away with no freedom. This thought in the corner of his mind terrifies him, resulting in no sleep. [b]Personality:[/b] He's very active and is frankly afraid of being cooped up in any place for long. He has a sense of humor. He also likes to try and make others laugh and hopefully they share a similar taste in humor... If not, well, they might not get what he's laughing about and this could make the situation get ugly. He also possesses very high confidence in things he has done and if he hasn't done a thing-as long as he has an idea of how to do it-then there is a good chance he's gonna give it a go. On the value side of things he tries to be a good guy in that he is: loyal. Some values he could work on: Being more reliable, Being more generous, being honest all the time. [b]Bio:[/b] Kai lived a rough life. Since an early age his older sisters used to pick on him by calling him names, criticising what he did at home, taking away his stuff and other bullying tactics. He told his parents about it and they just said he had to live with it and be more mature, since he was the man of the house. This upset him and later on that day he thought he could sleep it off. That only made it worse as sleep brought about the image of being locked in his room with his two sisters tormenting him with no way out. After waking in a cold sweat the following morning, he decided from them on to take a daily walk around the block or around the town-he frankly didn't care which, he just had to get the hell out of the house. These walks helped him meet new people, learn about new events: such as sporting events which he signed up for since the age of ten with his parents permission. He got to play basketball, football, badminton and floor hockey on competitive teams. It was a good experience for him and helped him build social skills and confidence in himself. The boring side of his life was that he was enrolled in school since the age of five but most of it he didn't care for. English, math, science and whatever other written class subject he slept during-he still managed to pass. His parents weren't too pleased with his grades but he didn't really care because he was 'the man of the house' as they said and he could make his own decisions. Now more recently-as in a couple years ago, he got his motorcycle license-got a job at a retail store and saved enough money to buy his own motorcycle. What he does now is sleep during his final year of high school and for fun he plays sports with his friends or cruise around with his motorcycle. [/hider] --- [u]Creatures[/u] [b]The Spirit of the Night: "Jackson" controlled by [u]Snaketicus[/u] [i]Status: Alive[/i][/b] A foul creature of the night taken from the darkest depths of the spirit realm, he/she is truly terrifying, even to most beings of the Spirit Realm. He/She serves the Sandman for unknown reasons. [hider=Jackson CS] [center][b]Human Appearance[/b] [img][/img] His true form is similar to his human form but with more tentacles.[/center] [b]Name:[/b] "Jackson" (Real name unpronouncable) [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Personality:[/b] "Jackson" Is certainly a strange fellow my dear friend! He is known for his interesting way of talking by most, and for his cruelty by more than most! If you get on his bad side you're sure to know it, or maybe not, Jackson will often scheme as much as possible to get his way. His heart is cold as ice! His eyes give no love! His schemes and cleverness know no bounds! He is Jackson the sociopathic Spirit, and you best beware of him! (More to be revealed I.C) [b]Bio:[b] Revealed IC. [/hider] [b]The Ethereal Phantom: Mytchell controlled by [u]Obscene Symphony[/u] [i]Status: Alive[/i][/b] The Phantom's job is but one - To stay by the side of the Sandman, no matter what. He/She may have concerns about Sandman's actions, but will voice his/her concerns if he is liable to be hurt. [Hider=Mytchell CS] [center][b]Human Appearance[/b] [img][/img] His true form is similar to his human form, but resembles a being made of smoke.[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Mytchell (or Mytch) [b]Age:[/b] Unknown, however one of the oldest in the spirit group, alongside Sandman. [b]Personality:[/b] Mytch is a fitting companion of Sandman: he's a calm voice in troublesome times, an influence of reason when needed. A kind soul, he's prone to worry. This worry is more often aimed toward Sandman and troubled dreamers. Having known Sandman for the longest of any of the spirits, he can sense his presence and mood, and uses it to his advantage in an attempt to keep his charge in good condition. Mytch is also the only one to refer to Sandman by his true name; Salare. (More to be revealed IC) [b]Bio:[/b] Revealed IC [b]Other:[/b] Mytch has the ability to take any human form he desires, but tends to stick to the one that resembles his true form. He can also appear in mirrors or reflective objects in order to communicate with the human realm. Also, as well as being somewhat connected to Salare, Mytch is able to look into (but not control) the dreams of sleepers, and acts as a sort of overseer to help Salare with his duty.[/hider] [b]The Backstabbing Beast: Controlled by [u]Major Ursa[/u] [i]Status: Alive[/i][/b] A traitorous fool, the Beast was cast aside from his/her home many eons ago and eventually, his/her rotting body failed on him/her, allowing him/her to ascend to Spirit Form. The Sandman took him/her in regardless of his/her past, and now he/she lives in the home of the spirit who saved him/her from eternal wandering. His/Her motives are unknown, as of now. [hider=Backstabbing Beast CS] [center][b]True Appearance[/b] [img][/img] [b]Human Appearance[/b] [img][/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Backstabbing/Betrayer Beast…nothing more is necessary [b]Age:[/b] Largely unknown to all, as time even before the spirit realm were spent wandering in exile… [b]Personality:[/b] Alternates between leery and brash, the beast can either be temperamental and rude in its interactions with others, or actions to situations…or cautious and calculating, taking it’s time to solve problem on its own or spin situations to suit it...or not, for reasons. One thing about the beast is that it is mainly honest, rude with true blunt honesty, or tricky with its own spin on half-truths. Doesn't take kindly to being fooled, itself, and indirectness...but is pretty shameless with bothering the other spirits. [b]Bio:[/b] To be revealed IC. [/hider] [b]The Sweet Shape-Shifter: Kit / Ayame Tamamao controlled by [u]Guardian Angel Haruki[/u] [i]Status: Alive[/i][/b] Unusually hyperactive, but dutiful, this spirit is able to imitate most life from both realms, excluding other spirits and humans. He/She often does not think on the consequence of his/her actions. [Hider=Kit CS] [center][b]True Appearance[/b] [img][/img][/center] [b]Alias:[/b] Kit [b]Name:[/b] Ayame Tamamao [b]Age:[/b] Unknown. However, compared to the other spirits who help the Sandman, she is relatively the youngest out of all of his helpers. [b]Personality:[/b] Ayame is a cheerful, energetic, and outgoing spirit who looks at things from an optimistic, and almost, an idealistic viewpoint. She is a very dutiful and loyal spirit as well, always doing her job as best as she could. However, she can be somewhat childish and ditzy at times, forgetting to think about the consequences of actions. She also tends to let her mischievous tendencies get the better of her, and she would pull some pranks here and there. However, if something horrible happened to anyone because of her actions, she would feel remorseful and guilty (and cry, sulk, and talk down on herself in response), for how long depends on the severity of the consequences. Underneath the childish personality, there is something deeper that is well hidden. [b]Bio:[/b] To be revealed.[/hider] [b]The Enforcer: Arguis controlled by [u]LokiLeo789[/u] [i]Status: Alive[/i][/b] Rules are made to be broken - And if anyone breaks a rule, The Enforcer is likely to resort to breaking you. He/She is honorable, but can be a little reckless and slow at times. Nevertheless, they are loyal to the creatures of the Spirit Realm. [hider=Arguis CS] [center][b]True Appearance[/b] [img][/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Arguis [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Personality:[/b] Arguis is a very cold, callous, and dispassionate figure, and is rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm both his comrades and enemies should they get in his way. He refers to anyone he does not find interesting as "trash", and treats them as expendable. Despite this, he is not particularly violent, and will only fight when provoked or ordered to by The Spirits or Sand man. [b]Bio:[/b] Revealed in IC[/hider] [b]The Sandman: Controlled by [u]Kyrianei[/u] [i]Status: Alive[/i][/b] [hider=Sandman CS] [center][b]True Appearance[/b] [img][/img] [b]Human Appearance[/b] [img][/img][/center] [b]Alias:[/b] Sandman [b]Name:[/b] Salare [b]Age:[/b] Unknown [b]Personality:[/b] Whilst outside he appears rather cruel to our five students, as he is the first point of blame for this problem, The Sandman is a kinder soul than he lets on. However, he never exposes this fact due to the chance of being called a softie, and is always cold and calculating when it comes to the stubborn people who just don't sleep. [b]Bio:[/b] To be revealed.[/hider] --- [b]GM:[/b] Kyrianei [b]CO-GM:[/b] Obscene Symphony If you have to be inactive for a while, please let us all know in OOC, but if something pops up out of the blue, I can understand and relate to it. If you have any questions about this RP, please contact me through PM or ask Obscene Symphony if I am unavailable. We both don't bite. That being said, we aren't going to take any nonsense or rule-breakers. If you have a problem with another player, then please contact us. We can sort it out like adults~ Lastly, have fun!