[hider= 300: Black][youtube]uQes2Bh9A3w[/youtube][/hider] [i]"Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged." -Samuel Johnson[/i] [i][u]Henry Olin, & Theresa Obott[/u][/i] Someone stuck their dick back into the power outlet and turned the lights back on! Right in the middle of Theresa's saxophone concert, the lights immediately came back on. And thank God. That was a sign of relief! Now Theresa can actually bloody see. But she was still worried. If Henry was right... Her head darted around the room, desperately scanning for - she didn't even know. She just wanted to see. Pool of her own vomit... Check. There was Rosette, Henry, Victoria, Kade and the two newcomers - waaaait? Why is there Blood on Lizard-man's hand? Theresa's gaze didn't leave Henry for even a second - she wasn't even being subtle. Normally, she would have made a masturbation joke, but she knew that Henry's blood was a different color... Was it green, blue or...? She didn't know, nor did she really stop to consider it. All that mattered was that there was blood on his hand. "I stepped in it." Henry said, his eyes watching Theresa's expression. He wanted to make sure she didn't think that he killed anyone. He turned away from her for a moment, and proceeded to use one of the phone that had been placed in every building around campus, to be used in emergencies and times where teachers required assistance. Or worse- backup. There was only one line the phone led to, which was the administation building. It began ringing as soon as Henry pulled it off it's rest. Theresa gently placed her sexophone on the nearest table, careful enough not to cause a sound. She quietly followed after Henry. To at least hear what's he's going, and, more importantly, what he's talking about. It rang for another few seconds before one of the people behind the scenes of 218 picked it up. In the background Henry could hear yelling and other calls, along with more general ruckus. It seemed many teachers and staff were calling in. "Hello?" The woman who answered him said, her voice tired from comminicating so quickly with so many other people. She seemed out of breath. "What's the damage?" She followed up quickly. Henry breathed for a moment. "This is Doctor Henry Olin calling in." He began. He heard the woman tap away on her computer on the other line. "Teacher access number?" She asked. "5563." Henry said. "There's been an accident. I haven't seen who yet, but what I presume to be a student is either badly injured..." He said, his voice falling low for a moment. There was a gasp on the other side of the line. "...Or dead here in the cafeteria. I smelt it and followed and came across the body in the caferteria electricity room. I have one student who I have shared this with. She will be with me." Henry said. He heard the woman call someone over and a man in the background read over the logs. There was more yelling, and soon the man in the background picked up the phone. "We'll have someone there right away Dr. Olin. Do you know who did it or the location?" He asked. "No, I saw boot prints leading outside, but they got muddled up in the rain." ther was more ruckus in the background. "Meet us there. Dont let anyone else see the body." The line cut. It was exactly what Theresa thought it'd be - well, it was what Henry said it was. A... murder. Really, it was hard to think about as she thought it was. The mere thought of a [i]murder[/i] being commited on school grounds really got to the girl. But that raised the question of [i]who[/i] did it. It could have been anyone in here.... Theresa nervously looked at the group in the cafetera, she tried to hold back the shaking. Everyone here... she knew them... she knows them, right? Victoria, Henry, Kade - but just who are these newcomers? Theresa was a kind and open person, who rarely assumes the worst about people; but she was really doubting some of the people here. After all, she doesn't really know any of the people here. Worst of all would be Rosette. The girl did casually dropped that she threatened to kill someone. Well. Theresa was going to give her the benefit of the doubt here. But still... Little Ms. Jailbait could do something wrong.... That was when Mr. Dr. Professor Olin started barking orders. "Victoria!" Henry hollared. "You're in charge. Dont let anyone out of your sight. No one leaves the building." He said. His voice had an edge to it. It wasnt the friendly and kind voice he normally had. It was solid, angry almost. "Theresa, come with me." He said, grabbing her wrist with the hand that didn't have blood on it, a little too forcefully, and oulled her along back to the hallway he had found the body. "Stay here." He said, stopping her outside the room's entrance. The whole area smelt of death and pre rot and blood. He reached in and flipped the light on in the room, and peered his head around the side. It was hard to tell with the laceration to the face, and with both her eyes swollen and black and her nose somewhat disfigured, but he could recognize her... Somewhat. It was Vera. The girl he had known well, and very muched saved his life at one time. He whipped back ground, and pressed his back up against the wall, and simply breathed. "It's Vera." He shuddered. "It's fucking Vera... God damnit." He said to himself, sinking down to his haunches. Theresa quietly went along with Henry. She... personally was hoping that he would take her anywhere but where the dead body was. But that's where it looked like Henry was taking her. She had to roll her eyes. Henry told her to stay put outside - but this was clearly where the body was. Oh dear Jesus, why did Henry have to take her here of all places. That anxiety started creeping up her spine. But there was a bit of concern of [i]who[/i] the dead guy was. Theresa slowly peaked into the room - but backed out right when something came into view. [i]Dear God, I'm a bigger wimp than I thought[/i]. But she heard Henry mention something. Wait, wait, wait! Vera? No. It can't be. No, it [i]shouldn't[/i] be. Vera Dublin was one of the nicest people here - like a big sister to Theresa. And she's... dead? Oh, no, oh, no, oh no... Henry rested his arms on his knees, and let his head sink down behinds his heavily mutated and muscled scaly limbs. All he could do now, was wait. He had [i]tasted[/i] Vera's blood. He had found her body. He was in the area when she was killed and he had not been paying any attention. He had done [i]nothing[/i], and he wondered if he would ever forgive himself for that. A few minutes had passed and several large men had flooded into the cafeteria by this point. Dressed up in what looked like police armor with batons and sticks and guns. The security force behind 218. Not often called upon, but existant never the less. These men were meta humans themselves, with strength and durability higher than most humans, but not to the level of some of the students, such as Henry himself. They were dressed up in black, wore sunglasses, and overall covered up. Their identities were neigh impossible to determine. As one entered the hallway they were in, Henry looked up, and stood to his full hieght, towering over the man, who had to be at least 6'4. Henry flagged him over, but before he approached he seemed to talk into his radio, and soon enough a few more came in with him. Some looking just as intimidating, but others seemed friendlier, dressed up in dark green over black. Paramedics. There were six in total. Four of which immediately rushed into the room, followed with two of the officers, while the other two officers and the last two paramedics addressed Henry and Theresa. One approached Theresa, "Ma'am I need you to take a seat, he said, kneeling next to the wall and taking out a flashlight while one of the officers knelt next to him to speak to Theresa about what she knew, and go over her to adress any shock or other symptoms. The other two came over to Henry, one, a woman, going into his eyes with the flashlight and having him follow his hand to address shock. The woman quickly put gloves on and used a towel to whipe the blood off of Henry's hand, disposing it in a bad and giving it to the officer, who took it gladly. Whoa, whoa. [i]WHOA[/i]. This was not a good turn of events. First Tess learns that one of her closest friends here at the academy is dead... now she's getting interogated - well, no. It's not actually happening [i]at the moment[/i], but she knew it was going to come. She isn't a murderer! She's just a girl! Someone who never gets mixed up in these things! Just... What? Theresa was shaking, looking around. Desperately hunting for an exit. But there are none. She once again felt hopeless as she tightened up into the fetal position. "How did you find the victim?" He asked. Henry shook his head. "I already explained this over the phone. I smelt blood, and followed the scent and... found her." Henry said, looking over just as the four paramedics came out of the room carrying a stretcher, which had a full black body bag on it. One of the officers that entered the room with them came out, marking a few signs of the struggle, including the boot prints left behind that lead to the back exit of the building. "What state was she in?" The officer continued. "I haven't touched her. I couldn't bring myself to." Henry said. Outside he could hear the sirens of the paramedic cars. "Did you see the-" the officer began. "No. I didn't" Henry hissed suddenly. "I didn't pay attention. I didn't know, and because I wasn't paying attention, someone died. This is my fault!" Henry shouted, not caring if the other students could hear him. The body bag was being marched out the front door anyways in broad daylight. Victoria's shirt be damned. "It's my fault." Henry said, his voice falling low into a whisper, before he sank down against the wall again. The officer nodded to the paramedic, and the two of them both stood up. They were about to leave, before Henry spoke up again. "You better find who did this. Because if you dont, I will." He said, it was almost a threat, the way he spat it out. "And I'm sure there will be many with me." This... this whole day just took a turn for the worse. It was bad enough [i]knowing[/i] that there was a body in there, but watching as Vera's corpse was carted out... It almost reduced Theresa to tears. Why did it have to be her?! Why couldn't she just be having fun? Why... No. Theresa couldn't fight the tears back any longer. They just started flowing down her cheeks and hit the floor. She wrapped her arms around her mid-section tightly. All this chatter - It's just too much and she couldn't handle it. However, once Henry spoke, Theresa raised her head... He will find who did this. Someone will. Someone [i]has[/i] to. This is a crime, against the good people on this island. Someone must help the helpness, as dead men tell no tales. Theresa... couldn't. She simply can't. This is just above her. She's not a hero. She doesn't have the will and strength. When the men finished assessing Theresa, having been informed that she had only been alerted of the event, they simply checked her over for shock and distress. Finding she was sick was something, but the paramedic knew there was nothing they could do for that now. They stood up and packed up their material. The woman who had been assessing Henry finally spoke up. "We'll get him." She said. "Dont say that to me. Say that to her." Henry replied, nodding down the hall towards where Vera's body had been carted off. He couldn't get the image burned into his mind out. Whoever did this to her... this was beyond terrible. Vera suffered horribly before she died. He knew it the second he saw her corpse in the light, the facial expression she had permanently frozen onto her face of fear. Henry stood up, and walked past Theresa. "Come find me, or Dana... when you're ready, okay?" he said, before continuing. He didn't have the heart to rush her. He was delicate himself right now, he could only imagine how she felt. He shook his head and entered the main room of the cafeteria, walking through and ignoring everyone. He had tunnel vision. He cut through the officers and paramedics like a knife though butter, they moved out of his way as if predicting where he would step and fearing being in his way. Soon enough he was out the door and in the pouring rain, and stopped outside. The cars were around, their bright lights flashing in the darkness the storm provided. Lightning struck in the distance. He shouted in the rain in anger. His shouts of rage and profanity quickly devolving into a roar. When he calmed down, he sagged, completely emotionally and physically spent from the day. This wasn't over though. Not even close. And Henry briefly wondered if it ever would be.