[Center] [B]- [U]Name[/U] -[/B] Natan Kasparov [B]- [U]Appearance[/U] -[/B] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/XlS2JeM.jpg?1[/IMG] [B]- [U]Crew Position/Rank[/U] -[/B] Navigator [B]- [U]Age[/U] -[/B] 33 [B]- [U]Relevant History/Background[/U] -[/B][/Center] Natan was born in Novgorod, Russia, in 2074. Having lost his mother at an early age Natan decided to leave the motherland and his father behind. At just 22 he had found his way across the borders of both Belarus and Poland before stopping in Germany. It was there, at the university of Berlin, that Natan discovered his love for the stars. Having a brilliant yet untidy mind he quickly shot to prominence within the University, continuing on to do both his Masters and Doctorate in Astronomy. Quickly claiming the 'most promising Astronomer' title he began to gain notoriety among scholars. Natan was offered a research position at the University, understanding that he would be able to use their world famous facilities to further his own research he gladly accepted. He spent almost a decade of his time in their labs before the powers that be started to amend his schedules, pushing him towards teaching and lecturing. Natan did not care for it, and over the next two years found his time restrained so much that his research began to suffer. It did not take him long to resign from his position in Berlin, unhappy with the direction he was being pushed. Unsure of what to do next he returned to Russia and was given a temporary position at Roscosmos, the Russian equivalent of NASA. Having not seen his father in years Natan tried to repair the relationship, but to no avail, he was never forgiven for leaving after his mother had died. It was at this point that Weyland, rumored to be merging with Yutani, approached Natan to work in their space exploration program. Using their state of the art facilities he would help map space, celestial bodies and delve deeper into the unknown than he was ever capable of before. Sounding to good to be true he gladly accepted and was quickly moved to a new life in America. He found it difficult to settle. Trying to focus on work he never felt quite comfortable in his unfamiliar surroundings. Nevertheless he continued at Weyland-Yutani, as it was now known, because he knew it was the only place in which he could sate his thirst for exploration. It wasn't long until Natan began considering the possibility of applying for the various missions that Weyland-Yutani funded. He had never put his name down until he came across the Aphelion mission, a deep space exploration mission that required a Navigator to help them cross the sea of tranquility. It was perfect. An extensive recruitment process was undertaken, Natan found himself on the short list of candidates to be chosen and would soon sacrifice his earthly problems for the wonders of space. The only place he truly felt at home.