[i] On April 16, 2015, the United Nations Security Council released a historic and unprecedented resolution. In light of the recent events in Italy, Jamaica, and of course Okinawa, it was unanimously decided radical measures had to be taken to confront the new enemy. With reports of gigantic organisms on the rise all over the globe, action had to be taken. The result was the formation of the United Nations Kaiju Research and Combat Initiative (UNKRCI). Member nations donated both scientific talent and military units to the new program, intended to function as a highly mobile "fire brigade" responding to the appearance of potentially threatening giant monsters. The media, finding the acronym UNKRCI awkward, instead latched on to the distinctive white gloves worn by the soldiers, airmen, and sailors under UNKRCI command. The nickname has stuck, even before any serious deployments. This is the story of the men and women of the White Gloves. [/i] So, if like myself, you're a big fan of giant monster movies, then you'll notice that the conventional military tends to get slapped aside pretty easily, and it's up to an equally giant monster or mecha or whatever to save the day. Which is all well and good, but for myself, I'd love to see the conventional military step up to the plate and solve the problem. In this universe, there are no mecha, no guardian kaiju- just brave people willing to put themselves in harm's way. Accordingly, this RP focuses on a multinational team of scientists and soldiers dealing with the sudden appearance of gigantic creatures all over the globe. The weapons and science at their disposal is pretty much the same as we have right now, so no giant robots or mind control (at least, not initially). Lateral and tactical thinking are key to this fight. Of course, you'll have plenty at your disposal. Soldiers under your command will be a multinational force, donated by UN members. For example, you might tackle a creature with Danish bombers, Canadian infantry, Australian artillery, and Indian tanks, and of course the local forces. Not to mention whatever the science boys come up with- exciting new weapons, analyses of a creature's behavior, or maybe even visitations to the fringes of science, like ESP. TL, DR: X-Com meets Godzilla. A few notes. 1. This is not a [i]Godzilla, Gamera, Pacific Rim[/i] whatever universe RP. This is intended to be completely original, with all of us helping to build a fictional universe. The Age of Monsters is just beginning. The rules of engagement, tactics, all the groundwork and precedent will be laid by your characters. 2. You play as normal human beings. Not mecha, not kaiju. I wanted this to be abundantly clear. 3. The White Gloves are not universally accepted just yet. Many see them as a waste of time, crackpots and interlopers in domestic policy. Not everyone wants their help. They will, of course, need to distinguish themselves. So, does this appeal to anyone?