[quote=WittyReference] While we're doing this, what're the rest of you doing? That slop is getting cold and that damp ass fire can't be doing to well; if we're camping 'til the rain stops we need firewood. Just be careful not to run into anything out there cough cough nudge nudge [/quote] It's only really been like 2 minutes since the stew's been done and we're inside an enclosed area in a dilapidated tower. That being said, we only have two khajiit that could see in the dark, dark night(is it night yet?) and if either of those want to accompany Francis post-edit to get firewood then that's fine. Of course, he could go out alone relying on magelight spells so he can attract the attention of something cough cough nudge nudge. Of course, since it's actively raining and we're in the mountains, good luck finding any wood that'd be dry enough to use for the fire.