Third main religion [hider=Third religion] ---Religion Name: Desolationism ---Religion Holy City: North ---Name/Titles of Deity: The Red Pantheon (Known by its followers), The Desolators Pantheon (Everyone else), The Primal Gods, The Dark Gods (Exclusively known by followers of Justinian Magnus) ---Religion Form: Polytheism ---Summary of Deities: Following the power vacuum caused by the fall of the old pantheon and the rise of Justinian Magnus, something had to fill the void (As Justinian Magnus at the time was not powerful enough to take over the entire celestial plain), and as such a vast pantheon of legendary beasts(Particularly dragons) did so. They are legendary beasts (The only creatures besides heroes that can gain ridiculous amounts of magical power) that became so powerful in life that once they died, like heroes they ascended to another plain of existence. Unlike heroes who have the moral and ideological reasoning to forsake their individual wills to combine into a monotheistic Abrahamic god, these beasts are intently individualistic and prideful and instead of fusing together literally begun killing and eating each other (To empower themselves) or empowering themselves through forcibly spreading cults in the mortal realm. The numerous empowered beast-deities cut slices out of the divine realm not held by Justinian Magnus between them and are essentially an entire pantheon of various war gods. In just the twenty years between the Aestromachy and the rise of the Darkness, this pantheon was responsible for most of the wars and deaths in the mortal realm, former arch-nemesis of Justinian Magnus (Fighting a 20-year heavenly war) and general evil/dark gods due to their overall malevolent and even sadistic style of interacting with the world. It should be noted that Justinianism lacks any form of devil or Lucifer figure in their religious canon because they simply attribute all vice in the world to these beings (In Justinian canon, the Darkness is viewed as a force of the apocalypse and the end times). ---God of: War, Conquest, Power, Ambition, Rage, Wealth, Glory, (Interestingly and usually ignored by Justinian propaganda are their other aspects, including Strength, Courage, Willpower, Freedom and even Love) ---Celestial Embodiment: Legendary Beasts (Particularly Dragons), Avatars, Possessed mortals, Demi-gods, Divinely empowered weapons. ---Chosen People: Dragons, Other Legendary Beasts and Orcoids ---Deities Personality and Style: They are a pantheon of god-level megalomaniacs who are fighting the darkness because they want to rule the world and dominate the minds of all mortals (Or for others in the pantheon, simply continue war and killing forever), rather than it being destroyed entirely. They are essentially the good sides token evil teammates. While a large and variable group with different personalities and motivations, they usually are collectively similar. They are ruthless, aggressive, hyper-competitive, territorial and are ridiculously power-hungry, many actively attempting to knock each other off while simultaneously fighting the darkness or even Justinian Magnus. ---Worshiped For: Awe and Ambition (Many actively respect and fear their power or desire to be chosen by them, as the Red Pantheon is famous for dishing out rewards far more commonly than its rivals. Beyond material gain, many others also worship them because they embody the spirit of freedom, self-determination and prefer their do-what-you-want ideals compared to the stricter alternatives. Particularly popular among barbarian hordes and warlords) ---Worshiped Through: Sacrifice(Of others), Battle, Dying, Killing, Destroying, Creating, Obtaining Favour ---Religious Caste: Rulers, Conquerors, Warriors, Warrior-Priests, Engineers, Murderers, Merchants [/hider]