Here is the final major pre-set religion, note that you don't have to follow these faiths if you do not wish to. [hider=Fourth Religion] ---Religion Name: Dryadicism ---Religion Holy City: South ---Name/Titles of Deity: The Cradle Pantheon (Known by its followers), The Spirit Gods(Everyone else) The Old Carers, Garden Spirits ---Religion Form: Spiritualism + Animism ---Summary of Deities: Former physical world-nurturing servants of the old pantheon, after the deicidal slaughter of their former masters, they decided to become "Gods that reside within the physical realm", independent of any reigning deity in the celestial plain and powering themselves by directly communicating with mortals. They are the literal gods of the world, the mountain, river, forest, city and down to things like fork gods. They are the weakest gods individually as well as the weakest gods in the metaphysical realm (Since they live in the material world and have very little means to gather large amounts of belief or worship) however collectively in the material realm alone are currently the most powerful when it comes to direct intervention of events (Since the order god isn't ready yet and the war gods nearly never work together). Despite their passive appearance as nature spirits, they are actually extremely militant, though in very passive-aggressive ways (Like using natural disasters to aid the forces of light) ---God of: Nature, Harmony, Growth, Change, Life(Conflicts with order god), Love, Plenty, Equality(Conflicts with order gods justice), Charity ---Celestial Embodiment: Wisps, Nymphs, Dryads, Divine Intervention, THEMSELVES(Individually they can in fact manifest themselves with glorious effects) ---Chosen People: Everyone, though they tend to communicate most with Beastoids, Fairies, Satyrs and Nymphs ---Deities Personality and Style: The Cradle Pantheon "Spirit Gods" are highly variable, however what most have in common is their emotional and empathetic concern for living things, differentiating themselves with the overbearing Justinian Magnus and his/its ideals. nurturers and providers, they give small but helpful assistance to the needy, usually in the form of food, comfort, health and advise. Deities of the masses, they provide a little for everyone and have true interests of every person at heart... Despite this, the Spirit Gods typically are also apathetic in larger than life concerns like the meaning of the universe, ideals or ideological justice. They will assist a innocent maiden in need just as much as a guilty thief in need. ---Worshiped For: Affection (The Cradle Pantheon's deities are genuinely affectionate to all life and are willing to aid mortals even on a personal level. Their emotional and empathetic regard for individuals makes them very popular in particular among the poor and peasantry, even among the less zealous of those of nations with other religions) ---Worshiped Through: Prayer, Love, Birth, Growing things, Building things, Providing Charity ---Religious Caste: Monks, Mothers, Gardeners, Rangers, Farmers, The Poor [/hider] ---- Filled in my own claim on the map (Tomorrow I will begin adding the magic system, conditional modifiers and some historical lore before we begin the OOC either the day after tomorrow or some time after that) [img=] And internal map: [img=]