Okay, real quick, and then off to bed! ...or at least, right after I edit my last post... [b]Deli[/b] [i]Status:[/i] Mostly establishing character and and history, both internally and otherwise. I would also like to show that she's [i]not[/i] just an over-sugared spazz, so that will be coming to light in the next few posts here. [i]Future:[/i] I don't have any major plans for Deli aside from sort of getting her past this guilt thing, perhaps via a slightly manic hero complex, because I think it'd be fun. I also think interactions with idle's characters, both Reece and Henry, would be utterly brilliant, but I'm patient. =) [b]Park[/b] [i]Status:[/i] Meet ups, mostly. I have a few plans for Henry, Pauline, and Deli, and can collaborate with anyone else (Justric?) who might be interested. [i]Future:[/i] I'd like to clarify his past a bit. And, naive as it sounds, I really think Park's primary goal is to see everyone at peace. [b]Maya[/b] [i]Status:[/i] Lurking. [i]Future:[/i] Maya is a detailed-ish NPC that I came up with many to fulfill my vague pilot-y desire. At some point, [i]someone's[/i] going to need a pilot, and (should Reece be occupied or absent) Maya will be ready!