[quote=So Boerd] Deist/Atheist Hitler [/quote] Still currently under debate by historians; Hitler's religious views were obscured and not completely known. One side mentions that the man never left the church completely (his mother was a stern Catholic and Hitler himself was baptized at an early age), while others state that Hitler was a full-blown atheist through-and-through. His habit of remaining politically-correct in the face of his Christian German supporters only makes Hitler's Nazi Germany a poor backing for your argument because of this (had the man followed in Warlord Atheist Stalin's footsteps and actually had a raging hate-boner for religion, he would have murdered every Jew, Christian and anything not denouncing the Almighty ASAP and with horrifying efficiency). And, I don't think the Holocaust was strictly over religion, but was rather a violent socioeconomic-driven backlash against the Jewish people at the hands of the German masses. Needed someone to blame for the disaster that was WWI after all. Made Hitler look good too in the eyes of disgruntled Germans. Let's bump your figure down to approximately 50 million then.