Nation Name: The Iria Queendom Flag:[img=] Form of Government: Liberal Costitutional Monarchy Describe the System: The whole Irian government focuses around the philosophical speculation of the great sage Lotce, unrolling on the political persona of the citizen, and of his rights. In fact, emblematic symbol of it, the Queendom itself is both legitimate and constricted by the ancient Declatiòn o Rilights, or also know as the 'Bill of rights' of the year 1156. The Bill of rights is a pragmatic and mutual deal between the Queen, owner of the lands of Iria, and its people; by that the State is formed, and the Monarch becomes formal rules of it, appointing thanks to his magistral powers the other political organs. By the formation of the State, the Monarch has given the duty of protecting his people most valuable and necessary rights: freedom, life, security and property. The Queen of Iria is, and has always been since the coagulation of the numerous fragmented political parties, the living manifestation of the state, and as primordial land owner of the Queendom, her and her dinasty are legitimate sovereigns; on that right, she is the one who applies the laws. After her, in the hierarchical disposition of power, exists a multi-purpose political organ called 'Parliament', which is moreover divided in two equal chambers: The Bellflower one - named after the glasshouse in which it firstly assemble- , which main purpose is the administration of justice, basically the acting against who breaks the laws, is composed of regional members elected by the population, members of the aristocracy and appointed royal officials; it's a tripartite sub-organ, divided in three courts, each one administering a different and more grievous crime. The Starry one instead - named for the star-like dots that adorn the vault of this chamber - detains the legislative power, and promulgates laws in order to protect the rights of the citizen. For convenience, due to the impossibility of ruling directly on the territory, the Queen has the duty of appointing governors to the decentralized offices that rule each region: to do so, she is given the right to select from the wide range of Bellflower chamber commoners a minister, who will gain a Noblesse title, which will eventually grant him, at the end of the mandate, the possibility of joining through regionals elections the Starry chamber - though by obtaining this title the Bellflower one will be forever preclude to him - ; this title is not hereditary. After the governors, the Queendom boasts a great bureucracy apparatus, composed of royal officials who perform the most various tasks. Short Summary (descending climax): >Monarchy (Executive) >Parliament = Chamber of Bellflower (Judiciary) - Starry Chamber (Legislature) >Noblesse (Governors) - Royal officials (Tax collectors and contractors) >Land Aristocracy (Major nobility) - Gentry (Lesser nobility - Rich bourgeoisie) - Commons (Renters, salaried, small bourgeoisie, farmers) Location on Map Desired: Capital: Aglarphen Important Settlements: - Ivry Ancient capital of the Queendom, still remains a first class settlement due to its cloth, wood, and minerals manufacturers. Located in the center of the country, shielded by mount Vermot and its mountain chain, Ivry is the second most populous city in the reign. - Milltown A major agricultural center, renowned for its pastures on the near hills, sweet wines, and ever rolling windmills. The soft warm breeze that constantly comes from the not too distant ocean make this region temperate, allowing orchards of the most various types. - Orestea On the far northern lands, situated between the icy mountains by left, and the bleak rifts that overlook the ocean, lays Orestea; due to its remoteness from the Capital, this sprawling and colorful town acts as northern political centre. From there in fact is organized the political asset of the wind-swept pine woods and pastures of the northern regions. - Espery This city is called jewel of the south for one specific reason; constructed on a wetland by the centurion Espery in the Ancient times, the city grew into a majestic trade hub, where words and slanders can proliferate as fast as wealth. Amidst the channels and palaces lays the flag shop of the 'Royal Trading association of the Everlasting East', the Irian international company. - Ghoete This settlement knew a great expansion and afflux of wealth in the past century, mostly thanks to the valuable workshops that set their flagshops here. Today is the main exchange point with the Corustarian sea, and the other half of the continent, as well as important docking for merchant ships. Description: (Describe an average city in your nation. Culture, language, currency etc.) After the Crumble subsequent to the dusk of Ancient times, most of Aurora (how Iranians call the main continent) fell into the Dark ages. During this period, due to the wide spread of illnesses and diseases, great numbers of population deceased for the most various motives. The Asian peninsula, sparsely populated at that age, was home of a circumscribed case of Red plague, an incredibly infective and deadly virus. The disease struck with particular violence the male body, inevitably leading to a bloody and eczematous death of the host, while hiding and reproducing in the female ones. Fortunately, this disease slowly died out, however reducing the already low population of these lands; moreover it left a tangible sign not only on local political assets, but on the survivors bodies as well, creating a new race of humans, however often incorporated as a slight variation of the Aurorian one. The virus, before dying out, corrupted the reproductive system, and brought to the birth of weaker males (lower height, less muscular strength, more tender features) and stronger females (higher than males, with more muscular strength), decisively bringing radical changes to the old society model; so, time passed and the Gynocracy model became the ruling one over all the modern Iria territories, though with a lot of differences from the epic poetry one. Religion is viewed as a different dominion from that of temporal kingdom, though the Queen is both the head of the state and that of the Orphy monotheism. Centered around the conception of one God, unique, just, universal and eternal, but most of all compassionate and rewarding, the State Church organizes crystallized rituals and sentences. Though many wouldn't believe it, Orphy is followed by pratically all of the population, protected by the cohesion which labels not only the doctrine, but also the whole state, from the ignorance and naiveness of religious minorances. Iria boasts a large and ancient cultural heritage, which is cultivated, passed on and evolved in the numerous academies and organization that exist in the country. This heritage is composed of a natural love for visual arts, and practical ones. Music is given a first role in the education of Irian youth, and generally every Irian is trained to sing or play a basic instrument. The best way to hear good music, to enjoy beautiful operas, is to go to the theatre and concert halls, where by simply paying eight Metàux -the price of a loaf of bread- people could assist to the current spectacle in the lower bleaches and the court. (Trivia: After the Red Plague, Irian men have a slightly higher and more melodious tone) The Irian language still reseables much the Latin of the Ancient times, due to the long period of isolation that immediately followed the Great fall, though evolving in a somehow more flexible, armonious language, fluent and musical. The Lang is spoken as main language in every region city and village, with just slightly different dialects from city to an another. For this reason learning the Lang may appear difficult to foreigners, moreover due to the intricate and complex grammar - whose first certified edition was in the 1623, thanks to Lady Annabel Orjustia - ; so, given the very infrequent use of Lang in foreign situation, every royal official, deputies, regional ministers, etc, must know perfectly latin as well, and at least one other language for most important offices. One thing Iria is surely proud of are its academies, whose great and honorable results are shown in the everyday life by Irian witty officials. In the last two centuries, with the growth of the State's wealth and political influence, the Monarchy has decided to fund and contribute to the spreading of colleges and academies in order to increase overall population status. While public schools are still organized and funded by ecclesiastical and regional money, royal government funded colleges are present in every city worthy of such a title. They are very various, and can range from military academies, to music and arts ones: through a meritocratic system, every institution allows the most meritorious children from public schools to join them in a restricted number, whilst being always open to anyone who would pay for the instruction granted to the children. Of course, the inscription and tuition fees are not for everyone... Money as exponentially acquired importance in every day life, even in the most isolated village, bringing up again the philosophical topic of currency and of its virtues and vices. Still, money remains very tangible, and people is not always interested in speculations of old wise men. The Irian currency is the Vallia, named after the first Queen of the reign, and is is possible to be seen in five different types of coins: with an increasing value given by the quantity of precious metal present in the coin, they range from a tin one, the Metàux, continue through many others (a metal alloy between copper and tin (Salè), copper (Rugio)), arriving to the silver one, Lune, and a golden one, very rare between commoners, often only used instead of great transactions between wealthy people, called Liòn. Each coin has also an effigy for each side: the Queen under whom the coin was produced, and the lion, symbol of the state. The coniage is entrusted to the Bank of Iria (formerly, the Bank of the Twin Suns), which moreover has almost total control on major and minor money movements, allowing better anti-freud and corruption policies. Moreover, the bank is owned by the Queen, and regulates the national and international trades in order to prevent eventual economy crumbles. Production of coins is however an exceptional happening, as economists are well aware that a larger amount of money does not determinate the country wealth. The bank is currently researching new ways of coinage, in order to cut the increasing costs of the raw materials for coins. Important Characters: Queen Vestfall Orgadron Prince Kirk Orgadron Arch-duchess Wryria Orgadron Lady Majora Elye Admiral Rolland Chancellor Haveron Grawar Hilton of Ivry Traits: Professional Army: -3 Natural Great Men: -3 Trading Hub: -3 Strong Industry: -2 Fertile Fields: -2 Empowered Companies: +/-0 New Age Ship Construction: +/-0 Depleted Materials: +3 Scared of water: +3 Landlubbers: +1 Small Army: +2 Army: 20,000 Veterans 10,000 Regulars 14,000 Recruits Navy: 1 Frigate 3 Barques 5 Brigs 5 Galleys GDP: 35,000,000,000 ($) - Down to 0,000,000,000 ($) due to unrest Stability: Very Unstable