[quote=Veratisu] If that's the case then you're going to have to find equipment stats for you warbird. I agree with hamoflage that nemesis scimitar is op but if you are playing a watered down version (no thalaron weapon and imperfect cloak) then this makes it more fair though the scimitar is still a tanky ship with a lot of fire poweron another note, what rank are you in STO, must be pretty high to have a scimitar, almost makes me want to go back and play my vice admiral for a while [/quote] Well, her official weapons loadout is: Fore: Twin Heavy Polaron Cannons, Twin Polaron Cannons, Twin Polaron Beam Arrays, Polaron Beam Array, Quantum Torpedo Launcher. Aft: Polaron Turret, Quantum Torpedo Launchers, Polaron Beam Array. [quote=Captain Picard][i]She's a predator...[/i][/quote] Although, for the purposes of the RP, I'd just bump those down to Disruptors, seeing as how Polaron weapons ignore shields unless calibrated to stop it.