So I plan on getting a starter up with Obscene Symphony at some point soon, where there will be room for all characters to respond to - Part of it will be a discussion between the Spirits and then the other part will be a description of the town, and how empty it is. The students will have chance to respond to this by waking and reacting to the silence in the dead of the night, or even panic because other family members will be gone. The goal will be to try find someone, anyone they know. For each character, this may differ, but at some point they are going to have to meet up. Perhaps they live near another character, for example: "Student A woke up in the dead of the night, and saw how silent it was. The clocks had stopped moving and confused, he shrugged it off. But still a feeling of unease sets in - Normally he could hear his dad snoring at this time. Peeking into his parents bedroom, he gasped at the sight - No parents. This was another of those bad dreams, right? Panicking, Student A quickly runs outside and looks around frantically before making his way to the neighbor's house across the street." At which point, any other student can then see Student A outside in the street from their own window if they could wish to live close by to Student A, where as another student could be a few streets down so he has to desperately find the others. Just as an example. Anyway, hopefully the starter should go up tonight or tomorrow hopefully.