[b]Isaac[/b] "She's more like... An acquaintance by blood" Kukcoo replied to his question about the other woman. "distance family huh" he said while looking at the one called Gogo "pretty distant by the looks of it" he said to himself mostly noting how, as far as he can tell, the two dont look related at all, one was confident, not bad looking and looked like a nice lady, the other looked like what he had seen in a children book when he was little, a earth troll and a grumpy one at that, lucky enough the nice one was the one talking to him. Isaac nodded when she said that he could drop the honorifics "Fine with me, but if the cap is around I feel it would be good if I talk to you in a respected manner Kukcoo" The moment Gogo snored he looked at her "well she is relaxed" Then he looked back at Kukcoo as she asked him if being a tech made him happy. "Yes, Its my hobby that became my job, I am in charge of the computer systems as that is my specialty, though I work alone, but outside that I like to try and make magiwave tech, I have yet to make something though, its pretty complicated mixing those two if you dont have an education in that section, I know how it works knowledge wised, having downloaded a lot of data" he grinned a little when he said it as he knew what he meant with it "but putting the knowledge into practice has had its thinks, partly due to lacking the right tools though" Isaac then looked back a the ship "doubt that will be that much of a problem soon though" He then looked back at Kukcoo "so, what about you, your a pretty high rank here, how you manage that?" ------------------ [b]Alexis[/b] As Alexis roamed the ship in search of food he came across a window that looked out over the crates he was at not long ago. He had no idea why but felt like looking only to find the same security lady walking around them as if she was checking something out. A chill ran down his spine, was she aware of him being here, was she just checking it out, but why, would she check out the ship, perhaps she will look though the window.. THE WINDOW! he was still standing there in view of she looked up to it. Quickly he jumped aside, hoping she had not seen him, he had not dared to check first. "out... I need out... I need to get out of this room, place to hide, crap" He scrawled across the floor and back in the halls before looking for a vent to hide in......