[b]Current Townsfolk[/b] [b]Invader Len:[/b] Invader Lin:[hider=Jaylin Kent - Carpenter] [IMG]http://dreamself.me/still/jWJV.png[/IMG] Name: Jaylin Kent Gender: Male Age: 22 Title: Carpenter Family/Relationships: N/A Living Location: Near the mine and forest. Personality: Jaylin has a fairly quiet and sour personality on the outside, and doesn't like people to get close. However, the reason he is so asocial is because he is very shy around people, and does not know how to convey his feelings. However, he is very attached to animals, to the point where he can understand them, and will often try to make friends with them, though he often gets injured in the process with larger and angrier animals. He is not very booksmart and usually stumbles over simple problems. Backstory: Jaylin grew up in another town, raised by his aunt and grandfather. He got terrible grades through school, despite his best efforts, and thus opted not to go to college after he finished high school. Instead, he took up an apprenticeship with his grandfather's friend after school, and quickly became a skilled carpenter. He moved to the village to sharpen his skills and learn on his own. Likes/Dislikes: Loves tea and wild herbs. Is very fond of candy, fruits, and animal products. Dislikes trash, vegetables, and mushrooms. Hates leeks. In game birthday: Summer 13 [/hider][hider=Wilhelm Cooper - Grocer] [IMG]http://dreamself.me/still/jWJT.png[/IMG] Name: Wilhelm Cooper Gender: Male Age: 25 Title: Grocer and delivery boy Living relations: Peter, his nephew Living location: General Store, main street Personality: Wilhelm is a mischevious trickster and self-proclaimed inventor. He is an excellent salesman, though sometimes his machines don't always work. He loves playing pranks on people and slacking off his work. However, he is very strong, clever, and fiercely protective of Peter. He is very fashion conscious and sells numerous magazines and knick-knacks in his store. Backstory: Wilhelm was a city boy, and had originally wanted to be a doctor when he grew up. However, when he was in his late teens, the pollution and poor sanitation of the city caused him to contract tuberculosis. He was forced to move out into the country and away from his family, both for his ailing health and to avoid spreading the highly contagious disease. Although he did survive and his tuberculosis went into remission, his health remained very weak. When word came that his nephew was also ailing from poor air quality of the bustling city, he quickly had him brought to Crescent Town, so that the boy could avoid the same sickness-filled destiny that had befallen him. He doesn't talk much about the illness of his past, because he feel he will be avoided if people found out. He spent much of his time in bed tinkering, hence his "inventions" of which he is so proud. Likes/Dislikes: Loves curry. Likes metals, gems, medicine, and tea. Dislikes fruits, sweets, fish, and jams. Hates chocolate. In game birthday: Spring 4 [/hider][hider=Peter - Child] [IMG]http://dreamself.me/still/jWJd.png[/IMG] Name: Peter Gender: Male Age: 7 Family: His uncle, Wilhelm Living location: General Store, main street Personality: Peter is a very shy and effeminate boy, to the point where he is often mistaken for a girl. He loves playing dress up, tea parties, and picking flowers. However, he often embarrassed about this, as he is afraid he will be teased, like when he lived in the city. He loves small and cute animals, but is easily scared, especially by big animals, darkness, and the like. Despite his childish nature, he is very mature for his age, able to clean the house and cook meals when Wilhelm is busy or slacking off. He likes watching the store and listening to music. Backstory: Peter moved to the country to stay with his uncle when his athsma made it difficult for him to live in the city. He was very upset to leave his parents, leading to his shy and coy nature in Crescent Town. He learned to be very responsible for himself and his goofball uncle, and became stronger than he initially appears to be. He does his best to keep up with school, being a very intelligent student, but is more interested in hands-on learning. He has yet to make any friends in Crescent Town. Likes/Dislikes: Loves pot roast. Likes sweets, toys, flowers, and clothes. Dislikes mud, dirt, fish, and trash. Hates insects. In game birthday: Fall 16 [/hider] --- [b]MissCapnCrunch:[/b] [hider=Vivienne Peck – Chicken Farmer] [center] [img]http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/sasskpn2rzq0i7ncr.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Vivienne Peck [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Birthday:[/b] Summer 2 [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Title:[/b] Chicken Farmer [b]Current Relationships:[/b] Father: Antonio Peck Mother: Eva Peck Story: Years went by as the girl grew, learning everything there was to know about the farm, being a lady (though she sometimes doesn't always enjoy those things), and just appreciating the land. Vivi's father and mother had raised her well, and she began her own little business running a chicken farm down the road from her parents. There she collected and sold eggs to the people in town, raking in quite the profit for herself here and there. Mostly she just enjoyed the idea of having something to do, mostly. For now Vivienne just lives day to day, hoping someone will come along and bring some adventure into her life. [/hider][hider=Antonio and Eva Peck] [img] http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/13e96zsktexe9ib0qtl6.png [/img] [b]Likes:[/b] Chickens. Sweets. Adventures. Being Outside. Swimming. Napping. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Eggs. Bugs. Bossy People. Waking Up Early. Tomatoes. [b]Living Location:[/b] Peck Ranch. [b]Personality:[/b] Witty. Hard Working. Adventurous. Caring. Family Oriented. Spunky. [b]Story:[/b] The Peck family had been in this town for as long as anyone could remember. Antonio's late father had established a Ranch up near the base of the mountains for people to trade and buy livestock as they pleased. At his passing, Antonio took the business into his own hands with the help of his stern but generous wife; Eva. It was hard the first few years, but once Antonio got the hang of things business couldn't be better and the Peck family couldn't be happier. At least that is what everyone in town thought. Behind closed doors, the two desperately wanted a child, year after year they prayed to the Goddess to bring them a child. But their prayers were not answered. Finally Antonio traveled to the Goddess with his finest chicken, his finest cow, and his finest horse. Offering the Goddess these gifts, he asked once more for her to bless them with a child. One year later, the wish had came true, and into the world came Vivienne. Vivienne Peck. Granted, they really wanted a boy, but a little girl would have to do. [/center][/hider] --- [b]Soulserenity20:[/b] [hider=Skye and Shade Lumina – Horse and Livestock Ranchers & Pet Breeders] [img=http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag111/Soulserenity20/HMDone_zps38eec2a9.png] Name:Skye Lumina Gender: Female Age: 21 Title: Horse Rancher/ Cat & Dog breeder and Trainer Family/Relationships: Twin to Shade Living Location: Lumina Ranch, on the skirts of the forest. Personality: Being a twin, Skye has always struggled to gain independence. She share's her brother's love for nature and has chosen to work in the field of training and breeding work animals for local farms. Her horses are well bred and good for working the fields. Her hounds herd cattle with the best of them, and her felines are trained to control small pests and assist in poultry herding. Skye puts immense amount of time and love into her animals and as a result, tends to be shy and more closed off from the outside world. She is a kind, caring, loving person with a heart of gold. Though she struggles in the social world, she is a faithful friend to any who get close enough to her. Backstory: Skye and Shade were born and raised in the small mountain town. Their farm has been passed down through their family for many generations, and has thrived off the nutrient rich soil of the forest. When the twins turned 18, their parents signed the farm's deed over to them and went to travel the world in search of knowledge and experiences. They visit once in a while but all in all the twins are alone. Though the pair share many common interests, they have great differences too. Neither of the pair are fond of chickens, as a mean hen from their childhood spent many summers chasing them around the farm when they tried to collect eggs. Skye is passionate about her herd of horses and her witty cats and dogs, and would greatly prefer their company over that of cattle, which she finds to be clumsy and much less intelligent. Shade, on the other hand, lives to raise his cattle herds. He takes great pride in his dairy cows and alpacas, but never seemed to find the patience to train animals in the way Skye does. Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Horses, dogs, cats, flowers, home cooking, and walks through the forest. Dislikes: Chickens, eggs, gemstones, and insects. In game birthday: Winter 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Name: Shade Lumina Gender: Male Age: 21 Title: (Your job) Family/Relationships: Twin to Skye Living Location: Lumina Ranch, on the outskirts of the forest Personality: Shade is the more outgoing of the Lumina twins, he enjoys spending evenings down at the inn after long days of work and drinking with his friends. He has a deep appreciation for music and will often play his flute for his livestock herds to calm them in the evenings. He loves his sister dearly and is extremely protective over her, although he does wish she would open up to people a little more. Shade has a playful heart and a straight head; he is dedicated to his work and is keen on good organisation and time management. Shade's love of sociality mixes in with his want of a family of his own one day. He's openly seeking a kind woman, but doesn't allow it to control his thoughts or schedule too much. He lives strongly under the idea that with hard work, kindness, and honesty, a person can live a fulfilled life, no matter what their situation. Backstory: Skye and Shade were born and raised in the small mountain town. Their farm has been passed down through their family for many generations, and has thrived off the nutrient rich soil of the forest. When the twins turned 18, their parents signed the farm's deed over to them and went to travel the world in search of knowledge and experiences. They visit once in a while but all in all the twins are alone. Though the pair share many common interests, they have great differences too. Neither of the pair are fond of chickens, as a mean hen from their childhood spent many summers chasing them around the farm when they tried to collect eggs. Skye is passionate about her herd of horses and her witty cats and dogs, and would greatly prefer their company over that of cattle, which she finds to be clumsy and much less intelligent. Shade, on the other hand, lives to raise his cattle herds. He takes great pride in his dairy cows and alpacas, but never seemed to find the patience to train animals in the way Skye does. Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Cattle, milk, wool, hand-made gifts, flutes, and song birds. Dislikes: Chickens, eggs, spicy foods, and ores. In game birthday: Winter 10 [/hider][hider=Annabelle Dawn – Crop/Garden Supplier] [img=http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag111/Soulserenity20/Annabelle_zpsa659df12.png] Name: Annabelle Dawn Gender: Female Age: 68 Title: Crop specialist; sells gardening supplies Family/Relationships: Jensen Jubilee: Her only grandson Living Location: She lives above her shop on mainstreet; The Cream of the Crop Personality: Annabelle is a loving, kind old woman but with a high expectation of youth. She has worked hard every day of her life and refuses to watch the younger generations loll by in laziness. Since losing her husband Gerard 5 years ago, she's become more closed off to the social world, but loves and cherishes her grandson just the same. She is passionate about gardening as she sees it as the perfect example of life at its finest. Without tending to her crops, she'd feel unfulfilled and bored in her old age. She is filled with wisdom and offers it to any who ask. She has her days where sorrow of her losses overwhelm her and she wishes only to be alone, but every day is a new day and she bounces back quickly. Backstory: Annabelle has been in these lands since she was a child. Her parents moved her here to open their crop store and make a living off the fertile soil. She grew up and inherited the land, starting a family of her own. When her grandson was born, Annabelle's daughter had already displayed a longing for the city life, and eventually moved. A few years later, they found that Jensen never left his childhood behind, he talked about the forest town almost everyday, and after much debate, his parents allowed him to return to live with his grandmother who certainly needed the company after Gerard's passing. Likes/Dislikes: Crops, wine, chocolate, dairy, wood carvings, and good tools. Dislikes: Cats (they ruin gardens), mice (they eat seed), weeds, eggplant. In game birthday: Fall 20 [/hider][hider=Jensen Jubilee - Child] [img=http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag111/Soulserenity20/Jensen_zps1bac843a.png] Name: Jensen Jubilee Gender: Male Age: 8 Title: None Family/Relationships: Annabelle Dawn is his grandmother Friends: Dasia and Emily Living Location: Above "The Cream of the Crop" Personality: Jensen is filled with wonder and awe at the natural world. He took a specific liking to exploring and digging and is an aspiring miner and archaeologist. He's a free spirited child and will spend all the hours of light climbing the mountain and exploring the forest. His grandmother doesn't allow him into the mine but sometimes he'll sneak in a few feet and collect a sparkling gemstone for his stache. Jensen is an introvert, but if you snap him out of his thoughts and daydreams he's quick to open up and talk your ear off, telling anyone and everyone about his finding and showing off his stone collection. Backstory: Jensen was born in the forest town, but his mother moved him away when he was only 2 years old. After years of talking about the small town, he eventually convinced his mother to let him return to stay with his mother but only if he agreed to join Emily in her homeschooling. Jensen didn't mind; he enjoyed learning and Emily was the only other kid in town. The best part about his classes was that he got to travel to the mountain every day to get to Dasia's house for his lessons. Needless to say, he was always late for there was much to look at on the way. Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Gemstones, Ores, tools, carpentry, dogs. Dislikes: Bugs, fish, cows, most vegetables, and snakes. In game birthday: Summer 12 [/hider][hider=The Oracle – Guardian of the Forest/Medium for the H. Goddess] [img=http://i1301.photobucket.com/albums/ag111/Soulserenity20/TheOracle_zps32bfba9b.png] Name: The Oracle Gender: Female Age: ??? Title: ??? Family/Relationships: None Living Location: Deep in the forest Personality: Eccentric is the closest word to describe The Oracle. She is more fond of nature and it's mysteries than trivial problems of everyday life. She loves all life but struggles to trust other people. Her entire life she's kept the company of the animals of the forest, rarely interacting with the citizens of the nearby town. She isn't shy, but is very picky with whom she chooses to reveal herself to. The Oracle views the world in a different way from most, often trusting her secrets to the flowers and pondering about things like the wind; where does it come from? What is it really? She is curious about all things and bold in her pursuit for answers. Should you have the chance to chat with this strange woman, enjoy it, for she is lovely to speak with and will take you on many adventures into her world. Backstory: Little is known about The Oracle, but for as long as she can remember, she has lived in these woods, working to maintain balance in the ecosystem. Likes/Dislikes: Likes: Flowers, fruit, handmade gifts, animals, music. Dislikes: Nuts, bitter or sour foods, withered plants, and anger. In game birthday: Spring 1 [/hider] --- [b]peachpenguin:[/b] [hider=Joshua Rivers – Traveler/Singer] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/fLtQh48.png[/IMG][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Joshua “Josh” Rivers [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Title:[/b] Traveller [b]Family/Relationships:[/b] Friends with the Kara Siblings [b]Living Location:[/b] The Inn [b]Personality:[/b] Josh is bubbly, happy, and, ultimately, very laid back. He’s working hard isn’t something he does very often, or at all really. He’s best summed up as a “go with the flow” type of guy who enjoys his fair share of mischief every now and again. Josh is also a huge flirt, and will often hit on anyone that fit his rather loose qualifications of “pretty”. He can be over dramatic at times, but his over the top reactions are rarely ever sincere. He enjoys a good laugh and loves cheering up those that are feeling down. Josh does have a deeper side to him, but that rarely ever comes out. Usually, he’s almost entirely carefree and has a constantly bright smile on his face. [b]Backstory:[/b] Josh fancies himself an adventurer, although he’s been told many times (usually by Cherche) that he’s a rather pathetic one. He grew up in a rather large town with parents that had a decent amount of money. He left after he became an adult, proclaiming that he was going to be an adventurer, much to his parent’s dismay. They didn’t chase him down though, figuring that he would come running back as soon as he ran out of money and got hungry. That was 5 years ago, and other than sending a letter every now and again saying that he’s still alive, he has yet to return to his hometown. Shortly before his 21st birthday, Josh stumbled into town and has been there ever since. He ran out of money shortly after his arrival and now works in the inn either cleaning or singing on nights the bar pretty full. Cherche will threaten to kick him out every so often, but never actually follows through on her threats. After all, he’s been there for two years and has only spent the night outside a total of 5 times. [b]Likes:[/b] Rabbits, Tea, Peaches, Alcohol on occasion, Astronomy, and Gambling [b]Dislikes:[/b] Hardwork, Watermelon, Goats, Hot Weather, Mushrooms [b]In game birthday:[/b] Fall 20 [/hider][hider=Cherche and Luca Kara – Innkeeper and Cook] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/QYKUGZv.png[/IMG][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Cherche Kara [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age: [/b] 21 [b]Title: [/b] Innkeeper [b]Family/Relationships: [/b] Brother: Luca Kara Friend: Josh Rivers [b]Living Location: [/b] Inn [b]Personality: [/b] Cherche is forceful, stubborn, and a natural born leader. Once Cherche sets her mind to something, she rarely ever backs down or stops whatever she set her mind to. She’s known to yell, particularly at Luca and Josh, and can be pretty scary when she wants to be. She’s compassionate in her fierceness though, usually only demanding that people do certain things when she’s near positive that its going to benefit them in the end. Diligent and hard working also describe her very well. Cherche has been known to stay up until all hours of the night when something needs to be done and manages all of the inn’s expenses, guests, inventory, etc. Lastly, Cherche is more than protective of those close to her, even Josh. [b]Backstory: [/b] Cherche and Luca inherited the inn from their late grandparents, who were actually the ones that raised them. Thus, they’ve been living in the village their entire lives. The inn has been theirs since the passing of their grandmother, when Cherche was 17. For awhile, it was just the two of them, until a wandering traveler claiming to be an adventurer showed up at their doorstep, quickly ran out of money, but didn’t want to leave. He’s been working for them ever since and they even consider him, Cherche begrudgingly and Luca willingly, part of their family. Recently, Cherche has also been acting as the town’s mail delivery service. [b]Likes:[/b] The ocean, tomatoes, fresh baked bread, fish, dogs [b]Dislikes:[/b] Heights, Spinach, Rain, the winter, Carrots [b]In game birthday:[/b] Spring 15 [b]Name:[/b] Luca Kara [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age: [/b] 16 [b]Title: [/b] Cook [b]Family/Relationships: [/b] Sister: Cherche Kara Friend: Josh Rivers [b]Living Location: [/b] Inn [b]Personality: [/b] Luca is absentminded, lackadaisical, and often in a dream like state. He likes taking things slow, watching the clouds roll by, and being as passive as possible. Actually, one of the only things that will get him out of his usual mental state is seeing other people fight, which he’ll usually try and break up despite his small stature. His attention is easily captured, often leading him to go along with silly plans, those plans usually being led by Josh. He likes seeing other people happy, particularly when it comes to his cooking. Despite his absentminded nature, he’s actually very good at cooking, even if there have been a few almost disasters and a misplaced burns and cuts early on. [b]Backstory: [/b] Cherche and Luca inherited the inn from their late grandparents, who were actually the ones that raised them. Thus, they’ve been living in the village their entire lives. The inn has been theirs since the passing of their grandmother, when Cherche was 17. For awhile, it was just the two of them, until a wandering traveler claiming to be an adventurer showed up at their doorstep, quickly ran out of money, but didn’t want to leave. He’s been working for them ever since and the even consider him, Cherche begrudgingly and Luca willingly, part of their family. Recently, Cherche has also been acting as the town’s mail delivery service. Luca was also rather sick as a child, which is possibly why he has such a small stature and is prone to outbreaks of harmful illness every once and awhile. [b]Likes:[/b] Music, Cinnamon Flavored Anything, Fluffy Creatures, Strawberries, Flowers [b]Dislikes:[/b] Spicy Things, Thunderstorms, Large Animals, Tomatoes, Milk [b]In game birthday:[/b] Winter 10 [/hider][hider=Grant Rosalin - Fisherman] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/rRrq1Tc.png[/IMG][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Grant Rosalin [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 66 [b]Title:[/b] Fisherman [b]Family/Relationships:[/b] He has a spitfire of a granddaughter that took over his ocean fishing business when he retired. She comes back to the village every so often. Friends with Annabelle and Jensen. [b]Living Location:[/b] Moonlight Fishery, a small building located by the river. [b]Personality:[/b] Grant is a goodnatured old man who can get himself in a bit over his head at times. He enjoys telling the younger generation stories from when he was young, especially his voyages out to sea. He's a very stereotypical, laid back old fisherman who gets rather rowdy when alcohol is involved and often forgets what stories he has and hasn't already told. Despite his old age, he's more than capable physically and enjoys helping the other villagers with hard labor. That's mostly thanks to muscle build up from years of working on sea going ship. He can joke, but knows when its appropriate to and not to when its not appropriate. He can also be rather wise at times, and is liable to spew off strange advice that usually comes in the form of metaphors about the sea. [b]Backstory:[/b] Grant grew up in Crescent Town, but left when he got the offer to work on a fishing vessel that was going out to sea. Grant had always been in love with the idea of the ocean, and didn't want to pass up the opportunity. So, he went. He would return every so often to check up on everyone and make sure they were doing okay, but all in all, he only really settled down in Crescent Town after the passing of his wife, Maribelle, and once he retired. He gave his boat to his only grandchild, a spunky girl by the name of Gwen. [b]Likes:[/b] Fish of all types, sea shells, fishing, a good laugh, milk, sunny afternoons [b]Dislikes:[/b] Bad storms, Pickles, Scrambled Eggs, Sheep [b]In game birthday:[/b] Summer 16th [/hider] --- [b]DaltonSezHi:[/b] [hider=Mitchel Stowe - Librarian] [img=http://dreamself.me/still/jWo2.png] Name: Mitchel Stowe Gender: Male Age: 20 Title: Librarian Family/Relationships: He has some family, but they don't live in the town and he doesn't really like to talk about them much. Living Location: A house by the library. Personality: Mitchel is quite shy, but he's also completely obsessed with books and will not be seen without one often. When he's not reading a book, then he's probably playing a game to ease his mind, like a dungeon crawler RPG or a life sim game. He hates people damaging books, and is at his most animated when someone has brought in a book damaged. Backstory: After a falling out with his family, Mitchel wandered from small town to small town, carrying the only thing he liked from his old home: his books and his games. Before he got to this town, he lived in all sorts of towns that taught him more about the world that he wasn't able to learn in his old home. He eventually found one that suited him and started a library with the help of others in the town. Likes: Books, Books, Books, Dungeon Crawlers, Quiet, Soft Couches, Getting into bed after a long day, Books Dislikes: People turning in books damaged or late, People who are too noisy, Papercuts, How long it takes to dry his hair after a shower, Scary movies In game birthday: Fall 16 [/hider] --- [b]Elodie:[/b] [hider=Dasia Ashmoore - Botanist] [img=http://s29.postimg.org/xp0mne8yv/Dasia.png] [b]Name: Dasia Ashmoore[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 22 [b]Title:[/b] Botanist [b]Family/Relationships:[/b] Emily/Emmy (Daughter) [b]Birthday:[/b] Spring 14th [b]Living Location:[/b] On the mountain, but she has a shop in town. [b]Personality:[/b] Dasia is a very blunt person and is often times mistaken for being rude. From a young age, she dreamed of becoming a botanist. It’s common to find her reading books or dissecting plant parts for research. She is easily excitable, especially when subjects that peak her interest are brought up. Decaying life depresses her to no end. If people aren't taking care of their yards, she will reprimand them. People claim she gives them a death glare until they take care of their lawn. She enjoys playing with Emmy, and attends her daughters tea parties. Her medicines are sold to nearby clinics. Before her store opens she can be found wandering the mountain and forest hunting for plants. Despite her bluntness, she enjoys other people's company. [b]Back story:[/b] After being left by her lover with a newborn child, Dasia dropped out of school and took care of her daughter. Her uncle worked as a florist in the city and put her through college (she worked for him as well). His country home was left to her after he passed away. She is now the resident botanist. [b]Loves:[/b] Top Grade Oolong Tea, tempura rolls with spicy sauce, live music, Devil's Claw Plant [b]Likes:[/b] All living plants (the root must be intact), vanilla mint tea, home brewed medicine, music, funny comics, and insects. [b]Dislikes:[/b] fruit tea, junk, chocolate (and anything with it), boiled pumpkin, shrimp, oysters. [b]Most hated gift:[/b] Dead plants (the flowers in her clothes are artificial) [/hider][hider=Emily Ashmoore - Child] [img=http://s17.postimg.org/clmwnz8wf/Emmy.png] [b]Name: Emily/Emmy Ashmoore[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 6 [b]Title:[/b] Student [b]Family/Relationships:[/b] Dasia (mother) [b]Birthday:[/b] Winter 19th [b]Living Location:[/b] On the mountain, but can be found around her mother’s shop. [b]Personality:[/b] Emmy is a happy-go-lucky child. She is an aspiring zoologist, and assists her mother in making medicinal remedies. Every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday she holds a tea party with her stuffed animals. She is home-schooled (unless a school is opened). Emmy goes to the Lumina's ranch during weekends to observe animals. Also, she enjoys Cherche's desserts. [b]Loves:[/b] Rabbits, bears, stuffed animals, and books about animals. [b]Likes:[/b] Animals, letting insects loose in the house, candy, pearls, and iced tea with honey! [b]Dislikes:[/b] Hot tea, ores, and seafood curry. [b]Hates:[/b] Sick animals, bitter food, and mushrooms. [/hider][hider=Serhan Karga - Doctor] [img=http://s18.postimg.org/o5461469l/Serhan.png] Name: Serhan Karga [b]Age:[/b] 26 [b]Title:[/b] Doctor [b]Family/Relationships:[/b] His pet weasel, Azel. He has family in another country. [b]Birthday:[/b] Summer 22nd [b]Living Location:[/b] Far end of the city beside the river. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Serhan is a laid back man (for the most part) who loves to tease people. However, his home is kept in tip-top shape, and he will spaz out if anything is moved he does not deem a "mobile item". People mistake him for a woman quite often. This seems to amuse him to the point of occasionally playing along (making many men sad). He admires Anabelle, and will look to her for advice. During the older woman’s visits, he’ll let Jensen look at his stone collection. He likes to tinker with things, and has set up a tunnel system inside his home for Azel. Due to his foreign status, he doesn't realize that his jokes are taken seriously at times... which can be dangerous when it comes to ailments. [b]Back story:[/b] Serhan was born and raised in the East. At sixteen, he was forced to join the military. He started off as a field medic, but eventually worked his way up to running a surgical unit. The war he fought in had a major impact on him. This is his first year in the village. He teases people in hopes of lighting up their days. He is deaf in one ear and wears contacts. [b]Loves:[/b] Beyti Kebab, Kunefe, colorful assortments of junk, and gifts for Azel. [b]Likes:[/b] Ores, stones, junk (nobody knows what he does with it @_@), bread, mushrooms, and singing off key around Josh. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Grapefruit, dull clothing, anything lacking color. [b]Most hated gift:[/b] Failed dishes. [/hider] --- [b]Tepas:[/b] [hider=Tepas Rumpas – Cow Rancher] [img] http://s29.postimg.org/u5zd5irxj/blah.png[/img] Name: Tepas Rumpas Gender: Male Age: 19 Title: Cow Farmer Family/Relationships: Father: Neo Rumpas Living Location: Animal Farm ( Do not know which one to put down ^^) Personality: He likes to stay quiet and loves to wear a cow outfit because it makes him feel close to his cows. Since he grew up moving around, he does not trust strangers that well and will sound cold to every one but if he knows them, he will try to open up to them. Backstory: He grew up out side of the town with his father who was nomadic with his cows. At one point, his father told him to live on his own since he just turned 16. Trying to find a place, he found him self at this little village in the mountains. With his little cow that he lead all the way to the town, he started his new life. Likes/Dislikes: He loves to eat cheese made from his cows. He all so loves to take a nap under a tree in the middle of the day. He dislikes strangers and does not like empty places. In game birthday: Summer 23 [/hider] --- [b]Dark Angel:[/b] [hider=Mimi – Child/Self-Proclaimed Witch] [IMG]http://dreamself.me/still/jWNw.png[/IMG] Name: Mimi, short for Melanie Gender: Female Age: 7 Title: Self-proclaimed Witch Family: Mother, father, and Selena, her older sister Living location: Above the Moonshine Bar Personality: An over-active and bubbly child, she never seems to have a frown on her face. Despite numerous and daunting failures, she always manages to get back on her feet. A little naive and very trusting, her hyperactive and sometimes careless nature occasionally lands her into trouble. Biography: Mimi grew up in a small town far away from Crescent Town, with her mother and father. However, the family was stricken with financial troubles, and not wanting to burden their youngest, they sent her to live with her older sister Selena. An amateur 'practitioner of magic', she feverishly believes in the harvest goddess and in the spirits and creatures of the land. She likes to make potions, but due to her childish inexperience, they more than often backfire. She often spends time with her cat, Rumio. Likes: Sweets, Sweet Tea, insects, fairy tales, and magic. Dislikes: Squash, the dark, trash, and fish. In game birthday: Spring 3 [/hider][hider=Selena - Barmaid] [IMG]http://dreamself.me/still/jWND.png[/IMG] Name: Selena Gender: Female Age: 21 Title: Barkeep Family: Mother, father, Mimi Living location: Above the Moonshine Bar Personality: Flirty and fun-loving, this gal has a hell of a wild side that refuses to be tamed. Strong and independent, she is amazingly proficient in both cooking and cleaning, and takes care of her sister, in a tough-love kinda way. Biography: Selena was never a good student, and at seventeen, she ditched school to study under a renowned chef. She studied hard under him for 3 years, before finally taking over the bar in Crescent town when her master passed away. She has had a string of unsuccessful relationships in the past, though whether it is due to her poor taste in men or her rough attitude is unknown. Likes: Any alcoholic drinks, except wine, almonds, sunshine, and anything spicy. Dislikes: Pumpkins, wine, flowers, and cicadas. In game birthday: Fall 13 [/hider][hider=Yue - Nurse] [IMG]http://dreamself.me/still/jWNN.png[/IMG] Name: Yue Gender: Female Age: 19 Title: Nurse Family/relations: Works with Serhan Living location: Small cottage in the waterfall area Personality: Yue seemingly has a harsh and blunt personality, but underneath she is a very kind and caring person. She worries very much about other people's health, to the point where she is very naggy. She can sometimes become violent when embarrassed. Biography: When Yue was young, she lost her younger brother to Dysentery, an easily treatable disease, but because there was no doctor for miles, he could not be helped. Angered by the death of her brother, Yue vowed to never let anyone die from a curable disease again, and trained very hard to become a nurse. She currently works in the clinic so that she can learn how to take care of patients. She can often be found studying with her nose in a book. Likes: Tea, flowers, herbs, and painting. Dislikes: Trash, bananas, alcohol, and frogs. In game birthday: Winter 2 [/hider] --- [b]Lionheart:[/b] [hider=Alvin Greystone – Blacksmith] [img=http://static2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120827011706/camphalfbloodroleplay/images/f/f8/Anime_Guy_Brown_Hair.jpg] Name: Alvin Greystone Gender: Male Age: 22 Title: Blacksmith Family/Relationships: None Living Location: Along the river Personality: A friendly man, Alvin is fair in all his dealings, sometimes even giving a discount. He knows his trade and genuinely likes doing it sometimes even to the point of obsession if he's interested in what he's making. Backstory: Alvin's father was also a blacksmith and his father before him, so naturally Alvin took an interest in the family trade and was quite gifted at it. His apprenticeship with his father started when he was a young boy and ended a few years ago, of course the town didn't need two master smiths so Alvin moved to his current residence and has provided the village with his crafts ever since. Likes: Savory foods, fine craftsmanship, rain, birds. Dislikes: Sour food, violence, chores, cats. In game birthday: Winter 19 [/hider] --- [b]Dahlia Hawthorne:[/b] [hider=Estelle Jacaranda – BL Novelist] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/cBNE4tL.png[/IMG][/center] [center]Name: Estelle Jacaranda Gender: Female Age: 24 Title: BL novelist Family/Relationships: None Living Location: The attic of the inn Personality: Estelle is in a constant state of panic because she almost always misses her deadlines. Otherwise she is very friendly, although most of her time is spent writing, she will often be wondering around looking for inspiration. Estelle has a fear of nature, so she never wanders outside of town, and always prefers to be indoors. She panics when she is in the forests or mines, yelling about how the animals will find her or other horrible things that could happen. Estelle can barely contain herself when she thinks she is in the presence of a perfect scenario for her books, and will often thank whatever responsible, even if it can't respond. She loves to make fantasies between people in town, though she never says anything out loud. Backstory: Estelle had grown up in the city, as a novelist for regular romantic situations. However, one day she indulged in looking at what was popular, and she saw BL as one of the major topics. Estelle fell in love with BL and owns several novels for reference in her closet. Her manager is always yelling at her to finish before deadline, which she barely makes each time, soon her manager got so fed up she sent her to a quiet town, away from distractions, though she still almost misses deadlines. Her family tries to stay mute on the topic of BL, as they are a little uncomfortable with her writing that kind of romance, so she barely hears from them as a result. Likes: Bl novels/manga, Indoors, inspiration Dislikes: Deadlines, forests, mines, animals, her manager In game birthday:Summer 2[/center] [/hider] --- [b]Epiphany:[/b] [hider=Clarience Amabillis – Artist/Painter] [img]http://i.imgur.com/6Rz5L9f.png[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Clarience Amabillis [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]Title:[/b] Artist/Painter [b]Family/Relationships:[/b] None at the moment, she's too busy painting [b]Living Location:[/b] Art Store [b]Personality:[/b] Seemingly very distant, she looks to be very detached from world at times. A forlorn expression is usually present and she tends to be very enigmatic. Often nicknamed the Ice Queen. True to her nature, she tends to be quite lax and takes frequent naps throughout the day and often pushes her responsibilities aside. This has caused more than enough trouble for her as she often skips out on many important business and/or potential sales in her art pieces. [b]Backstory:[/b] Clarience moved here to paint the scenery around her, she is often times seen carrying around a canvas and paint supplies when she isn't in her shop. She has trouble associating herself to the townspeople but they know that she exists. [b]Likes/Dislikes:[/b] She enjoys painting - of course -, and has an affinity for small details - The petals of a flower, fresh dew on grass, etc. -. She extremely dislikes talkative people, and will most likely fall asleep when they speak with her. [b]In game birthday:[/b] Spring 6th[/center] [/hider] --- [b]Rune_Alchemist:[/b] [hider=Phoebe Glenn – Mine Supervisor] [img=http://dreamself.me/still/j1YL.png] Appearance: Fiery red hair and an eye color of deep purple are her most notable features. The only other notable thing about her is her pale skin and the rather, raggedy way she dresses. (Figured since everyone else was using this, why don't I take a crack at it?) Name: Phoebe Glenn Gender: Female Age: 20 Title: Works at the mine as a supervisor. Family/Relationships: N/A Parents live in a distant country. No other living relatives. Mostly keeps to herself, so she doesn't really know that many people in town. Living Location: Currently has a room rented in the Inn. Hopes to possibly have her own home built one day if she sticks around that long. Personality: Phoebe is friendly to most people who approach her, though she tends to mostly keep to herself since she normally doesn't like to stay in one place for very long since she likes to travel. While she doesn't like working and will most often loudly complain about it. A bit socially inept she can come off as a bit rude and sometimes clueless, especially when it comes to other peoples feelings. Backstory: Born in a distant country, Phoebe doesn't really talk much about her life before she arrived in Crescent Town. Not because it was bad or anything, but simply because she claims it was boring, and nothing exciting happened. So she decided to leave and seek her fortunes elsewhere at the age of 18. Her parents weren't to happy about this though and actively try to find any sign of her so they might try and convince her to come home. She has so far avoided being discovered by them, but has had a few close calls. She came to Crescent town during the middle of winter last year, and so far has liked the place, but she says she's doesn't plan on sticking around for more than a month or two, at most she says she's only staying a year. Likes: She likes most Gemstones, though her favorites are Amethysts, Rubies, and Onyx stones. Cold drinks, Snow, cooler weather, staying up late, Travelling to new places. Dislikes: Emeralds and anything else the color of the devil. Working, Hot weather, Working, waking up before ten, dresses...did I mention working? In game birthday: Winter 13[/hider] --- [b]ManaPool1:[/b] [hider=Guy Funnushi - miner] name:guy funnushi Gender:male Age: 21 Title: miner and odd jobs Family/Relationships: no family Living Location: next to the general store in a small cottage Personality: timid but nice and loyal, always ready for anything Backstory: when his family died he realized mortality and went on to try to do anything people need (odd jobs) and get strong possible(miner) Likes/Dislikes: likes: kids, girls, adventure, fights, exercise, philosophy, mushrooms Dislikes: rudeness, weapons, cheese, cats In game birthday: winter1st [/hider] I made a character index based off Soul's. Should I maker hiders that contain all of a single person's characters to make the list look shorter, or keep it as is?