[center][img=http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140713193632/fanon/images/c/c1/Crystal-reed.jpg] Eleanor Hall 17 Year 4 Prep Eleanor was born to two stereotypically rich posh parents. She was showered in fortune and rewards, so much so that it just became a usual routine. She'd expect at least her parents to dish out money for her on anything really throughout her childhood and it even continued into her teenage years. This was one of the main reasons she's associated to the "Prep" clique. Her money was her leverage to the top of the social hierarchy, and funnily enough this happened at around the age of 12. She powered her way through school using friends and social networking as her hobby. She was known as one of the main party-goers of school as she proceeded to mature and even became one of the main hosts of them. It wasn't hard for her to feel "popular" or "liked", because if people didn't genuinely like her they normally acted like they did because of the amount of money she has. Her parents were quite puppet-like throughout this process, Eleanor manipulating them to turn a blind eye to her parties and her sneaking out past "curfew" nearly everyday. It's only until know that her parents have started to see Eleanor's sly plots and although there is a heavy amount of hypocrisy because of their disliking of it; they've decided that Eleanor needs a lesson taught to her. No longer able to take money off of her parents, she's had to resort to "working for herself", or as people call it; "Independence".[/center]