[b] Somewhere in Russia, Devin Lienheart, Day One [/b] Devin's hands and face stung from the bitter, cold wind. He moved his scarf further up hoping that it would provide more protection, the small fire before him did very little to warm his hands. While he could build a larger fire, it would only bring unwanted attention from beasts that lurked in the woods beyond. Devin had not seen one yet, fortunately, but he had found tracks, the splayed toes that left the marks were a telltale sign of beasts, maybe wolfs. Some light snowfall covered some of the tracks, so he couldn't tell quite how many were there although to his best guess three to six, too many for him to fight alone. Reaching to his side Devin grasped his rifle, the weapon has seen better days as it was covered in scratches and even started to rust in some places, still its reliability was great as ever attesting to its durable, rugged build. Devin pulls back the bolt, still five bullets loaded just the same as the four other times he has checked. He shakes his head, it was no time to panic even though he was potentially surrounded, still it was important to be prepared going back to one of the first lessons of the ancestors [i] Maintain absolute readiness. [/i] For the moment all he could do was wait them out, much better then risking contact.