[hider=Appearance][center][img=http://www.supre.com.au/files/product/images/105813/aztec-printed-denim-shorts.jpg ][/center][/hider] [center][b]Gwen Redding[/b][/center] [center]17 years old[/center] Year: 4 Associated With: Jocks Biography: Gwen grew up with a father who wasn’t exactly responsible. He did push her to constantly do things, but only to make him look good. He wanted to be the dad of the straight A student. The girl who made the most serves in a row on the volleyball team. The tallest girl on the basketball team. Of course she couldn’t live up to everything and he made her well aware of it when she didn’t. When she turned 12 he began offering her up as a babysitter to people he knew for her to earn money, so he could take it and buy booze. He was mentally and emotionally abusive throughout her teen years, though no one would ever know. To everyone else, she was perfect, great at every sport, and he was a proud dad. Now that it’s her final year of high school, she said she was taking the year off to do what she wanted, and do something for her finally. Because of it, her dad kicked her out. She doesn’t plan on telling anybody this, finding it a massive failure on her part that keeps her up every night. She, in turn, got to 'slack off' and only participate in the sports and activities she wanted, but her free time is now filled with doing odd jobs til she finds a steady part time one to pay her new apartment bills. She still keeps up appearance of being perfect, and if anyone found out she had a job, she’d say it was for extra cash, not because she needed it. Why you need the job: Father kicked her out and now she has to pay for a place to live and food, etc.