[quote=Jazzy] Again, it's a superpower RP that character and all of the examples are located in, and even in that context he's suffered a great deal of chemical, mental, and ohysical changes as any human would in such a large change. The only real difference is that he survived the change. The others have done things that have no relation to their power and because of that fact are to be treated like how a normal human would be.I will be the first to admit I am elitist. I'd much rather walk into the highest section available with high expectations than low ones, and whether people agree to my expectations really doesnt matter to me. What matters to me is if people meet my expectations or not in the roleplay I help manage. If they dont, I help them fix it so it does. I also keep in mind the examples I provided are out of context, so I provide no attempt to provide more as to justify my opinion to you (as I'm not here to argue). I came here to express my distaste for the anime obession (I myself am a fan, but I dont think it's a good source for everything), whether or not you agree is your opinion, and therefore it's not my right or concern to try and sway you in that. To answer your other question, I dont decide that. I'm a Co-GM, not the GM. I provide assistance in judging sheets. I dont make the final call. [/quote] I'd suggest that you reframe your opinion to the context of your thread than the rather wide scoped attack it reads as. I suspect a lot of the things you have issues with could be entirely possible and logical in any thread with forms of superhuman abilities. However, it is entirely appropriate to be displeased with someone making a character that has no reason to fit into the constraints of the thread. I'd just prefer avoiding the broad generalizations when discussing these things. Elitism isn't a badge of honor and I truly wish people would stop wearing it as one.