[b]Name:[/b] Android 9 'Ares' [b]Age:[/b] 92 [b]Race:[/b] Rare android prototype developed by Enclave. [b]Gender:[/b] Portrayed as male. [b]Rank:[/b] Two Silver Stars [b]Brief Origin Story:[/b] In 2183, on the coast of Northern California, a scientist in a hidden Enclave facility found the schematics to a robot called Android 9. Development began immediately. The schematics promised an effective soldier and brilliant tactician. But there was on thing the higher-ups were iffy about, it's A.I. was dangerously close to human. It could have morals that prevented efficiency, but the scientist that found the schematics had much influence and was able to get production approved. It took 6 years, but Android 9 was completed. Due it it's A.I., it had to learn things like a normal person. After a year of tactical education and warfare, it was ready to work. It was an effective force, and the Enclave were very grateful to have it. But when it was off-duty, it spent most of it's time in the archives. There it learned about the past and about an especially intriguing concept, communism. It had observed the way people treated each other, even him. He found Communism would be a more effective way to run the facility, even the world. But he understood that in the past, communism had failed because of it's leaders. He would be a great leader. He rechristened himself Ares and slowly began his plan to convert the base to Communism. However, his plans were foiled by an officer who often antagonized him. This transcript was pulled from his archive: Officer: Hey, Creep, what are you doing in here? Ares: I am Ares, not creep. Officer: No, you're Creep. And I asked you a question. Ares: If you continue to deny me, I won't answer your question. Officer: Hm. Sounds like this piece of crap is def- *Gurgling and choking sounds* Ares: You are a nuisance, I will eliminate you. *Crack of bone and a thud* [Transcript end] Ares knew he couldn't stay now that he had killed an officer. He left in the dead of night, sabotaging the power on his way out. He wandered the wastes for many years, until he happened upon a town that would later become the Yakima Republic. He stayed there and helped out for 6 years before the Yakima republic was founded. He was immediately made a General. His ultimate goal is to convert the republic into a communist state, he believes himself to be an excellent leader and knows that if Yakima became communist, nothing could stop them. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Android][img]http://www.nonfictiongaming.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ai-working-joe-600x337.jpg[/img] He is covered in scratches and dirt, making his pale metal exterior look somewhat tanned. He wears an Enclave officer cap (The logo almost so faded it's unreadable) with two metal silver stars on it. He wears desert camo combat fatigues, with bits of leather strapped here and there and carries a modified laser rifle.[/hider] [b]Army Name:[/b] 1st Republic Energy Force [b]Army Banner:[/b] [hider=Banner][img]http://www.clker.com/cliparts/o/j/f/5/u/Y/energy-sign.svg[/img][/hider] [b]Army Specialisations:[/b] Energy Weapons and Besieging Settlements [b]Army Origins:[/b] Being 92 years old, Ares had some time to travel around and meet some people. When he was ordered to build an Army he went to places where he was known and respected and allowed to recruit. He also fixed up many robots and reprogrammed them. Mutants and Ghouls heard of his policies of anti-racism and came to him looking for work. [b]Army Racial Composition:[/b] Ares recognizes and respects all races and their abilities. [b]Order of Battle:[/b] Force A: Medical Division: 30 humans and 2 robots (Laser Pistols and varied cheap melee weapons. Medical knowledge and supplies) Recon Division: 20 humans and 5 ghouls (Sniper rifles/ hunting rifles and laser pistols/ 9mm & 10mm pistols. Outdoorsman skills and recon skills.) Support Division: 34 humans and 10 ghouls and 10 robots (Anything works. Carries ammunition and other supplies.) Force B: Assault Division: 60 Humans and 50 Mutants and 20 Ghouls (Laser and Plasma rifles and secondary of soldiers choice. Mutants get heavy energy/ regular weapons) Explosives Division: 15 humans and 20 ghouls and 17 Robots (Explosives of any kind) Robot Division: 30 robots (All kinds of robots.) Total: 300 [ b]Headquarters Name:[/b]The lab [ b]Headquarters Description:[/b] Ares found this old pre-war car factory in his travels. When he became a General, he went back and converted it into his base of operations. Here he develops and tests new weapons and tactics. He trains soldiers here as well as repairs robots. Guards go on daily patrols and places where the chain link fence had fallen has been repaired with sheets of metal, barbed wire has also been installed on top.