Arguis leaned upon the walls of Sandman's home. All the spirits were called into Sandman's in order to await the results of his experiment or spell as they called it. Sandman and his assistant were in the Clock room, in a middle of a spell that would hopefully give the spirit his well deserved sleep. Arguis had to assume that the spell would work, because if it did not, who would know of the possible consequences in which would occur if this failed. Arguis was about to check on how thing we're going so far, unfortunately, before he could even leave he place on the wall, there was an explosion and the loud sound of breaking glass. Arguis could not tell if the spell failed or if it succeeded, but he did not want to go see for himself. It seemed that the other Spirits heard the explosion, and even thought about checking for themselves. It made him angry, knowing that if this failed and the consequences altered something huge, they would technically be at fault since they suggested it. After what seemed to be an eternity, Sandman and his trash puppy dog assistant walked into the room. All spirits looked at the man with hopeful eyes. "Everyone... We have a problem. The spell... did not work," he said stoically, just as he always was. Well...that was very unfortunate, Arguis was expecting the opposite. He assumed that with the help of the trash lackey, the spell would go without a hitch, unfortunately that was not the case, and now there was a problem that they would have to fix. "So... what exactly are we dealing with here?" he said gruffly.