[center]"So, whaddya in for?" is all you hear waking up. A silhouette of a bearded man standing over you.. "They dropped the lot of yah down with me. Haven't seen people in a while." You hear, your eyes finally adjusting to the light. A man in an orange jump suit standing above you, and what looks to be a small island behind him. Then it hits you....[i]You[/i] committed one of the greatest crimes of all. And it seems the few others waking up did too. You were arrested, after your greatest crime. They gave no mercy taking you and even thought of execution. The last things you remember are, You were arrested after your big crime, a flash of light, and reporters as you are being dragged away, waking up in a helicopter, wait, [i]under[/i] a helicopter in some sort of box, and then simply, nothing. This is the story of how you have done such an evil crime, that you, and a few others who did crimes to such a degree, that you have been sentenced to live on a small island. They didn't care if you died, nor did they care if you survived. You could [i]never[/i] get back to civilization is all they hoped for. But will you do that which is impossible?[/center] This is how it begins okay? Now onto the rules. No Powergame. No Metagame. No Flaming. No extremely over the top smut. The closest thing I can allow is fading to black. Kissing, hugging, conversations, and the like are O.K. No invincibility. No OOC speak in IC. Respect the GM or co GM. Have rp reasons. Ie if you are an extremely quiet character, speaking to everybody, singing, and becoming the center of attention is not ideal, have a reason for doing it if something like this happens. CS: Name: Age: Appearance: Crime: Place of Crime: (In the States please) Skill: Problem: Reason For Crime: Vote: (Stay on Island/Escape Island) Bio: Other: Vote is kinda just there for shits and giggles I guess.