"Aw come on Supergirl. We're just having a little fun while we work." Kid Flash said before stopping. "Wait... First Robin, Now you... What's going..." He stopped when he felt something bind him. "Woah... Seriously... What's going o~" He stopped and made a gurgling noise when the water rushed over him. When the flow stopped he spit out some of the water which had gotten into his mouth and sighed. "Gee... Backwards words and weird things happening... I wonder who else has joined us." He said in a somewhat monotone voice. He didn't enjoy being bound and the water didn't help. "So all four of us are here right now." Kid Flash said thinking a little despite his annoyance at being doused with water. "Either none of the higher ups knew they were sending us at the same time or we're being tested." He said thinking logically. "I've already got a reworked plan if you three are up for it." He then said not wanting to dwell on the water. He'd bring it up later though. He was sure Clarence knew that.