Outside of the Sandman’s, the large creature stalked along the wall silently, this was surprising for just how large it was indeed. As tall as a large house, its tail swished through the air making not a whipping sound, but behaving like a cable surging with powerful electrical energies. After a moment, it finally made a steady stream of clicking sounds from its throat, finally finding its usual window. Coming up close to the window, leaving dark silhouette behind the curtain to those inside, the beast finally nudged the window open and stuck all it could into the main room...all it could being it’s snout. [i]"Everyone... We have a problem. The spell... did not work,"[/i] With the curtain lightly draped over it, the beast finally let out a small breath before it ran a long, forked tongue along its maw. Grumbled out in a rather deep and amused, but mostly malicious tone, [b]“WITH SUCH A MISTAKE, A [i]SABOTEUR[/i] IS HARDLY NECESSARY.”[/b] Tilting its snout one way, then the other, and ruffling the curtain…it poked its snout further into the room, enough of the curtain fell away, exposing it’s sharp stark white teeth, [b]“HOW DO YOU PLAN TO REMEDY THIS, SAAAAAAAAAAAAN~DEE? COME NOW, WE'RE ALL EARS.”[/b]