[B]Name:[/B] Veronica Lance [B]Gender[/B]: Female [B]Age:[/B] 18 [B]Race:[/B] Human [B]Class:[/B] Magus [B]Description:[/B] [url=http://tektek.org/av/1488967][img]http://imagizer.imageshack.com/img537/8262/krWrCJ.png[/img][/url] Veronica is not the type of person who could easily blend into a crowd. She has a slender figure, and stands at exactly five feet tall, making her a little bit on the short side; not that this matters to her. She has long hair that goes to her waist, and it is naturally light purple, her bangs go past her eyebrows, almost to the tip of her nose, without getting in her eyes. Her eyes are a bright shade of yellow that sometimes appear to be glowing, which can sometimes freak people out. Her skin is pale, which makes her unique features stand out more. Her wardrobe consists of mostly Gothic style dresses, mostly with a purple and black color scheme. Her usual outfit is a frilly purple and black dress, with a lavender bow attached to the bottom. Black sheer stockings cover her legs, and black Mary Jane style slippers on her feet. She wears black lace gloves that reach up to her elbows, as well as a black lace ribbon tied into a bow on her head. [B]Personality:[/B] Veronica is a shy, quiet girl. She'd much rather spend time with her cat, or with her books, than with people. When she does speak, she only says a few words, hoping the other person will get the message that she wants them to go away. If she finds the person irritating enough, those words will be harsh and biting. In reality, Veronica would like a human friend. However, she chooses to avoid human interaction when possible due to the way her powers work. She is afraid of them, and fears being responsible for more the deaths of more people. She hopes to wants [B]Background:[/B] Veronica was born in a small village. Her parents practiced dark magic in secret, because the people in the village feared dark magic. The people in town suspected that there was something strange about that family, but since they hadn't done anything wrong. Due to excess magic her mother was exposed to while she was pregnant, Veronica was born with naturally lavender hair, and piercing yellow eyes. [B]Equipment:[/B] Staff [B]Abilities:[/B] Magic: She has a natural affinity for Dark magic, and she picked up some Fire magic. Shadow Tag: Hex: Will-o-wisp: [B]Companion(s):[/B] She has a black cat named Celeste. It's just an ordinary black cat with yellow eyes. She doesn't have any special abilities besides claws, and normal catlike agility. She has actually a very friendly kitty, but since black cats have a bad reputation for bringing bad luck, most other people avoid her.