[b] [u]Astrid[/u] [/b] [i] "Hey Astrid! It's over there"[/i] Astrid sighed happy to know that their was a pot of coffee and she wouldn't have to go without. Pouring herself a cup, her eyes rolled back as she took a long whiff of the delicious scent. Just as she was about to take a sip of her hot drink Alex entered. She delayed herself the hot liquid to hear what she had to say, [i]"We are having training this week. I know you have all gone through this already but it has been awhile since this training and it will keep you fit as well as help you coach the candidates in the academy. Everyone is to participate per the Chief's orders, no exceptions. If you are fit to work you are fit to run the drills. Today's drills will include a 5 mile run that must be completed in 40 minutes or less. We will also be driving to the candidate's course to use for timed drills in created scenarios for fire training. It will be like you're back in day 1"[/i] Her shoulders slumped at the thought of more physical exercise. It wouldn't be the hardest work out she had ever done, 8 minute miles were fairly easy, but 5 consecutive miles was not a fun task. "Feels like I just got out of fire training, now i'm going back." She leaned against the counter next to the coffee pot, waiting to see if there would be another task. [i]"Engine 51, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, fire at 2661 Oak Street, fire on third floor and child in danger on balcony."[/i] The sound system went off blasting her ears with noise. Noise that filled her stomach with butterflies. Her first call with the squad. She was so nervous that her hands were already shaking and she lost her hold on the cup she held. It clattered to the ground coffee spilling everywhere and scalding her arm. "Shit!" A tiny piece of the cup had fallen off the the rim, but thankfully it was unbroken. Promising to herself that she would clean it up later, Astrid followed Elise and Alex into Truck 81. Elise was behind the wheel, which normally would have made Astrid a bit nervous, thankfully her nerves were already taught with the thought of the call. She was going to help save someone's life. They peeled out of the station and were soon faced with the burning building covered in smoke. They stopped before the building and geared up. Pulling a mask over her face she prepared herself to enter a burning building. [i]"Let's scout the floor for anyone else who might be inside. We need to move fast and efficient before the fire spreads any further on the floor."[/i] Nodding to Alex they pushed ahead into the building. Sparks flew across her vision which was already clouded by the dense ash filled smoke. They began to run up the stairs looking for any others stuck on the floor.