[B]On the Good Ship Merryweather[/B] [img]http://imageshack.com/a/img713/5285/2436.png[/img] This rusted hulk, I suppose thou could'st say, belongs to me. Rather, I had stumbled across it upon my wandering, and, being as how it was my only way to escape the rolling sands of the planet I had found myself stranded upon, I spent many days and nights fixing it. Over time, I have come across various odds and ends coming from my culture, and so I have made the Merryweather feel somewhat like a home for myself. I find a sense of...comfort, in this regal decoration of my people. The Merryweather is not a title for which I have given the ship, nay, 'twas upon the hull of the beast whence I came upon it. What significance this nomenclature had for the Apex, I cannot even venture a guess. However, out of respect for her original creator, I dare not take her name away. "Her"...I referred to the ship as a "her"...End log.