[b][u]Leith Calder[/u][/b] Leith stared at Ssarak in confusion as the Esyire back-pedalled away. It took him a few seconds for Ssarak's words to sink into his sleep-deprived head, and when they did, his eyes opened wide. His mouth opened and closed a few times before he could speak. "Wha- no. That's not what being roommates means at all-well, most of the time, that is. It's only like the way you say it is if the roommates are opposite gender, or the same, sometimes, but-" Leith dropped his bag by the smaller bed, sat on the bed, and sighed loudly. He put his elbows on his knees and rubbed his eyes. "I'm explaining this terribly, aren't I? It only becomes intimate if the roommates make it that way, but having a roommate of the opposite gender can have intimate connotations; even if there is nothing there." He looked at Ssarak and smiled. "Just to allay your fears, I'm not looking for a relationship either, more-so with men, not exactly my kind of thing. Anyway, I [i]really[/i] don't want to search for another room," he said with a dry smile. He was completely willing to go find another room, but he thought a joke might make the mood a bit lighter. "So how about we become roommates?"