"The little lass and Saxhleel are right." Rawlith voice spoke up again after the duo of males finished there introductions. He was smiling, in the manner that the feline-folk do with their jowls and beast expression. He released his once again crossed arms and stood moving to the map Delphine left for the group while pointing to Kynesgrove. He then looked at everyone, his orbs shining lightly in the torchlight of the room while they flickered with the vibrant flakes that allowed him his low-light vision. "They speak like this one, they redirect the same point as this one did. We are not hear to vouch for our powers, we are not hear to herald our tales of great necromancy and spell-bound achievements. No matter our opinions, no matter our feelings, no matter our weaknesses, we are all heading to Kynesgrove. Delphine made that clear, and this one respects the ideal of introducing ourselves, but such does not require such trivial quarreling, and ranting of one's status and power. Now, Delphine also said we would split up after Kynesgrove.." He let his sentence sit a moment while he examined the marked locations and found the one he was looking for in Whiterun Hold. "This one has been to one already, he found it while taking his steps towards another endeavor. This one will want to travel to this one after Kynesgrove." He stated while looking about the room. "This one did not mean to so boldly insert himself earlier with the roar, but this one feels it was necessary to bring an end to the foolery. This one would like to introduce himself, He is Rawlith-Dar. This one is a skilled wearer of medium armor, Bonemold to be specific. He also wields bonemold axes, he favors then over other weapons. This one has trained to be both strong, and agile. This one is Cathay, a sub-species of Khajiit with both a grand strength and grand agility." He stated to the people. "This one hopes you will accept him as his own tribe had, this journey will certainly require us to all come together." He added while he left the map and returned to place himself against the back wall, going quiet again as if he hadn't even spoken to them.