Arguis ignored the nasty spirit of the night, it was just another piece of trash the Sandman unfortunately kept around, Arguis would have thrown the thing away. As he listened to Sandman's explanation, he started to grasp the full extent of what the real problem was. Sandman had broke the universe, and there was no way to fix the universe if Handy Mandy's clock was broken also, damn, and they now had to venture into the human world. Human's were just like the trash with tentacles and puppy dog trash. Kit then began to ask Sandman a while bunch of yes or no questions. Arguis did not view Kit as trash, she was to young to determine if she was trash of not. Then the Beast showed it's nasty face, Arguis did not view the Beast as "trash", but as garbage, and unlike trash, stuck like Jackson's unholy BO. So now that the situation was explained and a solution was given, what were they waiting for. "So you succeed in stopping time hmm. Except the adverse affects have now ripped almost half of the world's population. And now the earth is free of them, I think this earth is much better than the last, unfortunately your decision is final, I guess we are making way for the human world." Arguis said exasperated.