I have went through 8 character sheets including powers and histories to accept, and I have created teams accordingly. I will finish the others later; as I said I'm stretched for time atm. I will guide you through the logic of the teams: Alpha Teams all have abilities that either allow them to manipulate their own structure or to interact with the abilities of others. Amnesia is core here as he, in theory, can assist the team in several ways as its leader: he is the mentor of Marquis (whom is new to his abilities), he can spar hand-to-hand with Flo as well as understand all of her primal movements, and his ability Amnesia would eventually force Koscher out of his bone-hulk form as a fall back in case Koscher ever goes ape shit. Aside from that, the theme of the team follows a similar route: Flo and Koscher are both heavily trained and can manipulate their bodies. I believe, once I read through her, Sybila will also be on this team, I just didn't finish. Brovo team is just Trigger and a bunch of pre-mutants, not even gonna lie. Etain, as the most senior pre-mutant and somewhat the most powerful, will be overseeing both Kite and Varos respectively. I intended on making Trigger the team leader as I thought it would be an interesting dynamic for him to question H.A.N.D. while also working as a team leader, but I haven't cemented that in yet. Whomever acts as team Leader, I would like to be able to work hand-in-hand with J (since he's the sub mod moverseenig Brovo team) for plot purposes, so I really need someone to volunteer there.