Name: Angus Bellmaker Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance:[img=] Personality: Angus is quiet and well-mannered, and isn't easily upset. He is well-educated, and sings and speaks with a melodious voice. His appearance and actions can cause some people to see him as a simpleton. He has a strict ethical code, and trusts a little too easily. In the rare occasions he does become angry, Angus regrets it for days or weeks after the event, especially if he hurts a friend. He takes things very literally, and often acts confused about topics he'd rather not discuss. History: Angus is the eighth son of a nearby baron, and is definitely the pat of the family. He is often teased by his older brothers, but only in play. His oldest brother is the steward of Bellmaker Fief, and the others hold prominent positions nearby. He is a little soft when it comes to roughing it, and always prefers an inn over a cold tent. He was sheltered growing up, and most of the things he knows about peasants are what he read in books. Angus came to Redmont to be apprenticed because his father is close to the Baron, and because Redmont is said to have the best skillmasters in the kingdom.