The cold touched his skin as he pulled open the door to the refrigerator. It was late but he wasn't exactly sure of the time. Even as he pulled out a plastic container of spaghetti, he was on high alert to anything that seem out of place in the house. A stray sound that didn't belong, a whisper on the stale air, the fluctuation of light and shadows. All these things were his allies in staying alive and over the years, he had grown insanely sensitive to them. [i]Knowing my mom she'll just end up eating it from me anyway,[/i] he thought to himself, pulling out the tupperware and warming it up in the microwave. [i]Best if I just go ahead and eat it now.[/i] While he waited, he kept his back to the microwave and eyes on the rest of the house in front of him. Not exactly something that most normal folks would do but when plagued with danger-filled thoughts, what else was there [i]to[/i] do. When the hum of the microwave came to an abrupt stop, and in the same moment all the lights had instantly been shut off; Atlas was frozen. Fear raced up his heart like a race car, circling around his body until it was unbearable to move. The house seemed so eerie in the dark, it was a maze of disaster. [i]No sudden movements,[/i] He told himself. [i]If its burglars, they'll be expecting me to be sleep. If I call the police now I can still save myself.[/i] He pulled his phone from his sweatpants and noticing the phone signal was gone, cursed to himself. Why now of all times, when he really needed it? When he was really in danger? Just as his thoughts were beginning to spiral out of control, a sharp sound rung in his ears, creating a even tighter knot in his stomach. He couldn't explain it but it drove to check on the rest of his family. One by one his panic rocketed, each of them were gone. His mother, his aunt, his sisters, even his baby brother. What the hell was really going here? Did someone sneak in that quickly and kidnap them? Or maybe It was the work of aliens! The hell was he suppose to do about aliens! Grabbing his jacket and stuffing his feet into a pair of shoes, he swept up a flashlight before cautiously heading outside. He was reluctant to stay because everyone was missing but the outside scared him just as much. He flashed the light into around his yard, unknowingly shooting out a dim beacon. [i]I knew something like these would happen eventually...[/i]