[center][URL=http://imgur.com/lztnpVo][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/lztnpVo.png[/IMG][/URL] [b]Appearance: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/BfKoQ4G.jpg[/IMG] Name: Rebekah "Becky" J. Monroe Age: 17 Year: Senior Associated With: Blondes, Party Girls, Mean Girls. Biography: Becky was born in a middle class/upper class family. She's the oldest of two. She has a little sister named Mia, who bugs her non stop about everything. Becky is known to flirt with every good looking jock in Sunrise Academy. If Becky wants something or someone she goes for it, knocking down everyone in her way. Her father Mr. Malcolm C. Monroe is a will known Therapist, most people in their town who have "issues" go to her father for help. Becky's mother Rebekah J. Monroe is a real estate agent, she's the best in the business. Becky's life seems normal right? If only that was true, in middle school Becky would get A's and B's never doing anything to troublesome. Once she graduated from middle school and started school in Sunrise Academy everything changed. She stopped hanging out with her preppy friends and her nerdy friends. Now she hangs out with the mean girls and the popular crowd. The girls who know the best hook up places, the best places to get drunk and have a good time. She almost got a DUI for crashing her car into a tree, but her father is good friends with the Chief of police; so she got away with a warning. This is Becky's last year in school. Becky's parents want her to grow up. If Becky doesn't get her life together now her parents will kick her out. Why you need the job: Becky needs the job because they want her to grow up. She can't always depend on them. Now she has to just put on her big girl boots and ride that horse. [/b][/center] [center][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/3JveOJu.png[/IMG] [b]Appearance: [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/cK8KewG.jpg[/IMG] Name: Carter T. Dallas Age: 17 Year: Junior Associated With: Stoners, Druggies, Future Dropouts Biography: Carter's family moved to this town when he was 6 years old. They moved from Sunnyvale, California when his father Chris Dallas got a job in the construction business in town. Carter didn't want to move but he really didn't have any say. His older brother and sister, Damien Dallas and Kathy Dallas were on thier way to college; so they didn't have to move with Carter's parents. He didn't want to leave his friends, but he was only 6 so Chris and Nia Dallas(his mother) thought he would get over it quick and make new friends in town. His father was making way better money now, but Carter didn't care he just wanted to go back to Sunnyvale. Once he got to Sunrise Academy, Carter fell or more like dived into the wrong crowd. They were the only people who understood him; so he thought. He would get suspended from school for smoking in the bathrooms and he almost failed out of school more then once. His parents have had enough of him and they are giving him a last chance, either he cleans up his act, or he gets out of thier house. Why you need the job: Carter is only doing the job to "show" his parents that he can changed. As long as they think he's doing something for his life they will leave him alone...he hopes.[/b][/center]