Simon sat on his bed. Was he tired, so tired. His feet burned from his pacing the room up and down for...A glance on the clock telling him it was 23:27 ... good two and half hours. He blinked pulling his shirt off he dropped his head down on the pillow. It was worthy the adventure he day dreamed about. It left him in a victorious happiness, the prisoner from the train of thought all captured and returned in the demon dimension, he got the girls kiss. And finished everything with a healthy beer at the tavern. The world was perfect. Or at least the world of his story he thought off was perfect. As he closed his eyes rolling on bed to pull the blankets from under his body on top, he hoped he will dream about this world tonight too. That would make him even happier. His mind fall silent as it listened to the silence, focusing on the wall beside his bed. moments later a barely heard squeak from his sister bed relaxed him. She was already sleeping. She was a turner when sleeping, tossing and turning a lot during the night. Only in fever she would be completely still. Eyes opened lazily looking over the darkness, fixing the digital clock midnight. [i]Too early, sleep.[/i] Eyes closing only to be hearing a annoying loud ring. Nuzzling his face into the pillow hand reached over to the digital clock and pressed the alarm button. The old clock had a habit of resetting it alarm time to 0:00. Usually pressing the wrong button or a pulling it out of power would do that. Minutes passed or at least that how Simon felt as he tried to nuzzle more into the pillow, it was warm and comfortable. He crack opened a eye it was dark... the lack of the gently red light made him frown. Again his ears focused on sounds. It was...lacking... Sitting up in bed he concentrated further. It was really in too silent to sleep. With heavy heart he managed to free himself from the covers and making a step towards the window, only one step, before he changed his mind. Something much more urgent demanded his attention. [i]toilet[/i] Stepping out his room he walked to the bathroom out of habit pressing the light switch. After several moments he was washing his hands in the dark, the bladder happily relived. Looking at the dark situate in the mirror. His tired brain starting to work on a higher level. One that concluded there was a power cut. He stepped out and walked back to his room door, the door of his sisters room was half open. Sneaking up to it he peeked in the room. The feeling of urgency still remanded and managed to evolve into worry. He couldnt pick his sister breathing. Entering the room in a panic his mind showing 1001 scenes of horrible fates that could have happened, how irresponsible he was to not stop any of those. How he couldnt stop her dying in great pain, over hearing the knocking.The knocking on the wall that they shared if she felt unwell. How he didnt save her when she leaned out her window falling down on the earth in a splatter all because she wanted to pet the bird that woke her up peeking the window.... The true shock happening as he found or better said not found his sister in bed. He pulled the heavy covers of his sisters window letting the street light in. Giving the outside a second glance, after relived sigh of not seeing his sisted with a open skull under the window, Simon noticed that was eerie quite. Not even a night bird being able to be heard. [i]Maybe she walked in moms room to sleep with her? Did she had again a nightmare?[/i] He wondered, checking the mothers room by peeking thougth the key hole. "Mother?" He opened the door and the cracking of it made a shiver run down his spine. "I am sorry" He said out of habit, the street light entering the window and bathing the bed. A empty bed. To make sure Simon pressed the covers and kneed to look under the bed. "Nothing....Kitchen?" Was his last guess just as fruitless. Sitting down on the chair he was puzzled. The hand watch from the hallway he picked didnt ticked. As his fingers played with the watch his mind tried to figure where his family went. They would never leave with out a notice. If something urgent happened he would have woken up due to the noise of the front door opening. He tried calling but the phone was dead. His mobile phone out of signal. "I am alone?..." He questioned himself staring at the darkness. If it was just a power out he would have returned to sleep and hopefully woke up tomorrow with all technology beeping telling him that power returned. There was no reason for him to leave....expect the lack of his family...and this nagging panic he just couldnt push or ignore. "Its like I am in a zombie movie..." He spoke again aloud breaking with his voice the silence. It was way too uncomfortable to leave it. "I will check the neighbours hope they are awake. Thats a good plan of action...oh and I will leave a note in moms bedroom and in the kitchen explaining where I go. So at least they do not worry." And as said he started to do his plan. "Well I shouldnt go out in the dark, people get scared if I just pop up in their faces...Where did we place the battery lamp again..." Note written and Simon dressed in his favorite coat, he tapped his backpack. The books for school, that usally occupied it, now trowed out of it over his bed. "Well water bottle and some We are out of snack I will make sandwiches...4 sandwiches... should be good...What if Emma is in pain?" Emma being the name of his little sister. "Her medicine and some generally first aid...she could have gotten hurt ... Tripped while giving nuts to a squirrel.... Everything can happen. So like the best mages say.Be prepared my son. For what? For everything." Looking at the hand watch there was still nothing, still it was stopped at 12.00 "They are still not back... All windows are closed... I should check again to make sure..." The urge to leave and search for them was growing more and more but Simon kept himself in control as well as he could making sure the flat dont get invaded by thief or burn down. He packed at good last a cat plush in his now full backpack. He left the front door. Locking the door. And started his plan. "I will so upset all neighbours. I can image they will be extremely irrtated for being woken up, you know worse than a dragon." He said to himself, looking around a bit hopping to see someone looking at him as if he is crazy for talking with himself. No one. No one in the full building answered his knocks and calls out. Now he was on the street. "...Its more than sad isnt it that this is the first time I am out this late, isnt it?...And...where is that angry dog... he loved to at each chance bark at me...Hello? Would you scare me with a sudden bark please?....I am sorry..." Nothing. "Well this is weeeeeeird~ hehe... hm...Am I dreaming?....Did I manage to lucid dream? That must be it! Right, I do not to wake up yet! Okay...first order of business. Float!" Nothing. Reluctantly he started to walk the street maybe he will go in the 24-00 shop. Maybe they will have a working phone...if he wasnt dreaming. "But you know for a dream you suck dream. There isnt anything extremely fascinating, no breath taking scenery no fascinating dramas playing in front of me....Really brain couldnt you have come up with something more imaginative..." He mumbled in his chin, the shop was open... No one. "Hello! ANYONE!?" He eyed the desk of the shopkeeper. He slammed his knee as hard as he could agasint the desk side. A muffed cry left his hand covering mount. Tears pilling in his eyes. "O-okay, m-maybe its real...And I just made myself a idiot...I am sorry knee...So...Did I miss something? Its not 'Avoid Simon' day or?...My birthday is in January...not today...So stop the surprise birthday party." He talked leaving the shop rubbing his knee occasionally to easy the pain. If he could just see anyone. He would give them a hug. "Its A promise!" he told to the world.