[hider=The Crimson Khanate] (15 unused cultural affinity points) Warmongerers / Military Production: 11 Scientists / Research Income: 3 Theologians / Faith Income: 1 Race Name: " The Wraiths " Name of Faction: Crimson Khanate Government Structure: Ruled by a council of four men and two females. For the fields of : Warfare , Diplomacy , Religion , Economy , Agriculture , Environment Race Biology: Wraiths are an extremely tech heavy race. There idealogical beliefs have changed over the years and what they believe is to be made and produced, however they keep there relics close to them. Wraiths exist in highly advanced suits, these suits have various of enchantments added to what the user is to be doing with the suit, so a solider is going to have different enchantments then a merchant, and so on. The suits overall need charging time, when a wraith depart it's suit, it's an ghosty skeleton that is weak to everything. Thus, during charging times Wraiths hibernate in there suits to avoid contact with the outside world. Cultural History: Should loosely reflect your cultural affinity stats, write out a story on how it got the way it is. Social Structure: Society is a simple thing for the Wraiths. Your standing in Society is which area of the planet you were born from, your fathers and mothers jobs, and your income. Now the Government of the Khanate respects all it's citizens, however the three Noble Houses of the Khanate Rule most of the day to day things. All citizens either indirectly or directly are apart of one of these houses, by either living on there territory (planets) or working with them. The biggest house being House Dragonstar, second is House Moonspire , House Zan is the youngest house. Underneath houses are often regarded has lower houses in society, membership in lower houses is not shunned upon, however there isn't that much "real estate" in these lower houses. At the top of society - House Leaders and Senates (Families included) Rich Noblemen (Company Owners) and Decorated Military Servicemen/women. Upperclass , estate owners , etc. Middle Class - Owning day-to-day business, while having a decent bank balance Lower Middle Class - Working average jobs, no ownership in nothing big Lower Class - Living in slums. Reaction to Aliens: Most often, a meeting is held with the council, they determine what is to be done. An well armed diplomatic envoy goes to the area, and arranges a meet/greet, before contact begins. Having never seen a starry sky, write a first hand account of your race's explorer's reaction to seeing the densely packed vastness near the galactic core upon passing through the gate: The Series X-2 spaceship flew out of the gate, as the crew of 6 men sat inside of the comfy ship, they then deployed a miniature space station via there ship , sending there coordinates and information of where they were, while various of breathtaking shots and pictures emerged, and not before long, the first spacestation outside of the Khanate homespace was formed. ============= Tier One Techs Robotics (5) - [i]Due to the nature of Wrath Suits, Robotics is a key component of Wraiths engineering. Cold Fusion (5) - Basic wrap drive equations are based on the idea of Cold Fusion Quantum Computing (5) - Suit displays and tech displays rely on the basics of QC. Particle Manipulation (5) - The Weapon Industry's major weapons use the eqaution of particle manipulation to base there high tech weaponry for Wraith use Ballistics (5) - Needed for weapons technology and economic improvements ============= Tier Two Techs Particle Fields (10) - An adaptive formula used in various industries and workplaces of the Khanate Orbital Ballistics (10) - Weather missles are launched, or research pods, Orbital Ballistics are apart of everyday life. =============== Tier Three Techs Particle Beams (15) - These beams improve the quality of most Khanate weaponry Asteroid Mining (15) - Asteroids are a great source of resources =============== Tier Four Techs Anti-Matter (20) - The greatest innovation in Khanate weapon history, the Anti-Matter weaponry is entering it's beta stages.. 100 (Starting TP) - 95 (Ending TP) = 5 (TP Left) [/hider]