Jonathan seemed friendly enough, which came as a relief to Stefan. As much of the team appeared quite a bit younger than himself he had been expecting at least somebody on the team to be a bit judgmental due to his age. He was bound to stick out like a sore thumb too, but he genuinely didn't mind as he often preferred keeping to himself anyway. Even as a child, particularly after his father's death, he would often escape into worlds of his own. He had liked books for that reason. They had provided an opportunity to escape and that was key for the adolescent to cope with the passing of his father. Despite the Stasi's distrust of his father, the boy hadn't blamed them for his death. Even from a young age Stefan recalled him being quite unstable. That especially showed in his last days. Later on in life Stefan began to look back on his father's death and wondered if perhaps it had helped shaped him into the man he was today. The books had been more than an escape, they also helped him discover his love of history and literature which he grasped firmly even today. It was that which certainly brought him to this mansion in the first place and into this discussion with Jonathan. He hardly knew the man yet, but he seemed trustworthy so far and trust wasn't something Stefan gave out easily. Somehow he felt he could trust Dr. Frank would recruit only good people though. "A murder mystery? Interesting. Reminds me of Sherlock Holmes. Interesting literature by the way. I spent hours reading as a child, whatever I could get my hands on." He responded, even letting out a chuckle at the man's comment about the butler. It suddenly made him wonder. Certainly such a fancy establishment would have at least one around? Dr. Frank was definitely not a poor man by the looks of it. "Me? I'm a journalist historian. Although my main field is history I mostly work in journalism. I have since first getting hired to work on a publication regarding life in both West and East Germany. After that I kind of just stuck with it, realizing I was good at the whole journalism thing. Now I work on much broader subjects." Stefan explained as Jonathan casually asked what his occupation was. At least the man appeared to be friendly in his attempts to strike up conversation. Perhaps his sense of paranoia even had little purpose here since each of the recruits were now isolated on an island in godforsaken nowhere. Nobody would be watching him from there, surely. There was the other recruits, but they were working with him now so likely had some level of professionalism. Still, to be on the safe side, doors would be locked and windows would be covered. It was now pretty much habit for the man that was viewed as rather eccentric by many.