Kai was doing push-ups on his cold basement floor. He was also thinking about showing up one of his friend's friends who met up with him and his friend and who happened to say as they happened to be talking about workouts that he had bigger muscles then Kai. Kai initially tried to shrug the comment off by saying that upper body muscles like yours that dwarfed the lower body muscles, make ya look ridiculous. Unfortunately this made the braggart mad and he ended up getting in Kai's face. The dude then flung a bunch of insults at Kai and eventually Kai had enough. "Alright, then if you are as built as you think you are, then meet me at the gymnasium downtown in one week, and you'll find out which of us is really stronger." He then left his group of friends and decided to spend the rest of the day by himself. After a few minutes of thought it came to him that a decent/fun time killer would be: shopping. So he decided to browse around a few shops and see what deals he could find with the money he brought. Unfortunately though it was his unlucky day as the only things he wanted to buy were designer clothes and they were an ok deal for those type of clothes-but still not within range of his wallet. So he drove home and parked his motorcycle in front of the house, walked in the door and barely said hi to his mom and dad. Instead of chatting with them he made his way downstairs to his mini-gym, that he created by having already bought: a treadmill, some dumbbells, a few big blue mats and a jump rope. That's how he got to be doing pushups at about 10:00pm after having skipped supper. After about thirty five pushup repetitions he moved on to jumprope for cardio, crunchies for abs, jogging around the basement for endurance. He was a few minutes away from quitting the jogging when he heard a weird sound. It almost sounded like a phone ringing. Taking a few seconds to slow his jogging to a stop he was going to head upstairs and investigate when the basement lights went out. [i]Weird noise and now the light bulb died.. Ok then..[/i] Reaching his hands out in front of him as he walked slowly to where he remembered the staircase was located he eventually made his way to the main floor. It was all dark up there too. That was weird because his sisters often stayed up very late watching shows on t.v. but usually even they kept the lights on. He decided to walk through the kitchen and take a peek in the living room. He didn't see anybody, he moved closer to the couch and took a better look and there was still nobody there. Now he was starting to wonder what was going on. The thought came to him that maybe they were trying to pull a prank on him. It was the kind of thing that they'd do and so he walked even more silently then he did before towards his parent's room. He then knocked on their door. Once. Twice. Three times. No answer. He opened the door as quietly as possible and didn't see anyone. He approached and pulled back the covers-no parents. It dawned on him that his entire family was gone except for him. [i] Just take a deep breath Kai, this is like one of the mystery shows and all you have to do is think sense and do what makes sense and it it'll be all right. And besides this could all be a twisted joke anyways...[/i] His subconcious tried to advise him on what to do and in this situation he wasn't going to argue with it. No family in the space of an evening, when only hours before everything was normal? This was an emergency and Kai knew it as he quickly walked to the Landline and dialed 9-1-1... The sounds of the keys came across to him through the phone but that's all the phone did-there was no ringing to say that the call would go through or anything else. In frustration he threw the phone across the room. He decided that someone was out to get his family and had kinapped the other four people he cared about and he was going to save them. He walked carefully to the porch and grabbed his leather jacket, his backpack and packed it with puddings and assorted stuff from the pantry, returned to the porch and grabbed flashlight-checked that it worked and found some spare batteries nearby and put them in his pocket. Having gathered all he thought he needed he exited his house, turned on the flashlight and walked to the street to see if any other house had lights on. He couldn't tell from the angle he was standing and so he decided to turn left towards the neighbour's house and get a better look and hopefully find some answers for what happened to his family.